Resting period

Does not need to be 40-days, can be 10-days too!

  • Physically - energy shot up to a 100%
  • Emotionally - there was no more guilt, fear of several things, just a sense of freedom and interconnectedness
  • Spiritually - I would rather not share this openly but I will only hint that my macrocosmic orbit opened in a huge way, certain guardian deities that were not responsive before suddenly showed up and the sense of duality between the knower-knowing-known began to diminish (at least during meditation)

The higher goal of this retreat, which experienced rDzogchen practitioners undertake for around 90-days, is the Rainbow Body.

This needs to be undertaken however after a solid foundation and under the guidance of someone really experienced (at least for the first time) as the way of Tantra is much more than just meditating in a dark room! One should be ready to confront one’s demons in a highly exaggerated way so that they can be put to rest forever! Again, this is just one of the many ways to Alchemy, not the only one, but certainly one of the quickest ones! There is a Daoist way and there is the Tantric Buddhist way - while the Daoist way is aimed at alchemy primarily, the Buddhist way is to seek and recognize the Pure Awareness which, when found, instantly connects one to the entire lineage of teachers who have passed down the instruction and attunement to this practice across the ages. It is like you are suddenly connected to thousands of watts of energy and you are zapped! That is the biggest gift of this practice. You will need at least a week to recover before you can resume daily life!