Results From Autism

As someone on the spectrum, this is one of the best audios that dreamweaver has produced and one of best audios in the field of morphogenics.
It induces a euphoric sensation. It works like brain regeneration but as if version two that we would hope for from BR, and in fact, these two should be combined one day in the future to yield their results.


They already are combined in the plasma brain of youth :slight_smile:

Congrats on your results


I’m sorry, is that free? My working memory works in a blender.

It’s included with Smart Stem Cells


Thanks for helping me out. But I wouldn’t prefer using premium audios unless given last scenario on a issue. I apologize though.


you mean Autism is included in Smart Stem Cells? what about Plasma Brain?

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I said that Plasma Brain is included with Smart Stem Cells. Philip says that Autism is included with Plasma Brain but I haven’t looked much into it

so Plasma Brain has Smart Stem Cells and Autism?

No, I’m saying that you buy Smart Stem Cells and Plasma Brain together as a 2-for-1 deal.

Philip has said that Plasma Brain includes Autism but he could tell you more.

Sorry for resurrecting a dead post, but while I can definitely see the negentropy allowing everything to work better, I’m not quite sure how PBY is going to reverse autism. It says that it reverses the age of the brain to ~16, but typically autism spectrum disorders develop quite early in life, during toddlerhood. I’m not sure how reversing to 16 is going to undo that.


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Good reminder to use my first paid field :yum: