Resurrection! and the Path of Mystic Tarot

“The Phoenix of Resurrection,” symbolizes the profound transformation and renewal on your spiritual path. This card highlights the inspirational journey of rising from the ashes, where you embrace change, let go of past limitations, and emerge stronger and clearer. It signifies a time of personal rebirth, urging you to acknowledge your resilience and potential for renewal. This phase of your journey invites you to shed old aspects of your life that no longer serve your highest good, allowing for a rebirth of purpose, beliefs, and personal strength.

Drawing this card suggests that you are currently experiencing or about to undergo a significant transformation. This change may challenge your perceptions, beliefs, and attitudes, pushing you to let go of old ways and embrace a new, more spiritually aligned path. The process of resurrection is not without its trials, but it promises growth, enlightenment, and a deeper connection with your true self. You are encouraged to remain open and receptive to the lessons and opportunities this transformation brings.

The energy of the Phoenix calls on you to rise with courage and optimism, no matter the circumstances. It assures you that from every end springs a new beginning, richer and more aligned with your soul’s purpose. This card is a powerful reminder of your ability to overcome adversity, transform your life, and ascend to new heights of spiritual awareness and fulfillment.

Reflect on the areas of your life that are calling for release or renewal. Trust in the natural cycle of death and rebirth, knowing that what lies ahead is a brighter, more authentic expression of who you are meant to be. Embrace this journey of resurrection with an open heart, and let the transformative power of the Phoenix guide you toward your spiritual awakening and regeneration.

The resolution or clarification card, “The Star of Guidance,” shines a light on your path, offering hope, inspiration, and direction. As you navigate the transformative journey marked by the Phoenix of Resurrection, this card appears as a beacon, reminding you that guidance is always within reach. The serene night sky and the bright star depicted symbolize your connection to the universe and the inner light that guides you through change.

Drawing “The Star of Guidance” suggests that clarity is coming into your life. It encourages you to trust in your intuition and the signs the universe sends you. This card signifies that you are aligned with your highest path and that your spiritual journey is supported by unseen forces and inner wisdom. It reassures you that you are moving in the right direction, illuminated by the light of your own star.

The tranquil landscape and the figure gazing at the star represent your readiness to receive guidance and your openness to the lessons and growth opportunities ahead. This card is a reminder to maintain your faith and to look for the guiding light in moments of darkness. It affirms that your journey is leading you towards peace, understanding, and renewed purpose.

Let “The Star of Guidance” inspire you to continue moving forward with confidence and trust. Know that the universe is guiding you towards your highest good, and that every step you take is a step towards greater clarity, understanding, and spiritual fulfillment. This card is a powerful symbol of the guidance available to you as you embrace your path of resurrection and transformation.


Awesome, feels so timely! And artwork is gorgeous~ Thanks for sharing