Retention streak over: How to bounce back better?

Since this energetic process began, having an orgasmic ejaculation has sadly become a regrettable experience. I feel depleted of physical energy, depressed and essentially, like an addict that has relapsed. I don’t mind retaining for weeks at a time, but I want to enjoy the experience when I choose to take part in what should be a pleasurable experience, whether it be with myself or a partner. Honestly, it feels like I’ve been cursed.

For anyone who encounters similar experiences, what do you do to get beyond those terrifying first few days of vulnerability? This is a frustrating cycle I have continued to repeat for close to a year now, without much luck. I recently was told to study Sexual Kung Fu, but I am just learning the breathing exercises.

What audios or practices can help alleviate the difficulties of the first few days of getting back on the proverbial wagon?


If you search for “relapse,” you’ll find some previous discussions of this topic.

To get you started:


Soul Core Restoration. Because you are walking around leaking jing everywhere right now. Which is a big part of why you don’t feel so great.

Smart Cord Cutter. To drastically reduce the chance of falling to temptation again.


Thank you, Atreides. I’m on it.

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Great links, WellBeing. I appreciate you.


Does this process heighten the sexual energy of everyone who travels the path or is it just a lesson that is needed to be learned? I guess I’m struggling to fully understand it all.

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fasting and calorie restriction helped me tremendously.


That’s a really interesting comment, Ashutosh. Let me elaborate.

I have been repeatedly going through a cycle and unable to get beyond it. I retain semen for up to three months before inevitably relapsing. Starting anew, the first week has always been difficult. By week two or three, I find more clarity, but the sexual desires start to manifest in other ways. I begin to eat a lot of food, going from a few meals per day, to snacking and seeking carbs and sugar.

I often feel as if I cannot stop those food cravings, and if I try to, they’ll just reappear in the form of chasing sexual pleasure. It’s quite a complex battle. I do miss the days of just casually enjoying myself. The energetic realignment of the last few years has really asked me to be damn near perfect. And I’m not.

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I go nofap few months. It insane, especially at night the urges go crazy. Sometime midnight i wake up and slap to my face and do 100 pushup at mid night lol.
What keep me going is keep me super busy when im alone. When i hang out i can have fun but when im at home i write down what i do and stick to it no matter what.
Take care for aggresive or sexual compulsive behaviour. I invited some girls i dont like hangout just to have sex, but luckily i stop my ego beforehand lol.


Thank you for your insight, my friend. I like the 100 pushups concept. Boredom is definitely a culprit. Also with me, early arthritis. I used to adhere to the Marvin Gaye Sexual Healing philosophy, preferring a romp instead of advil or worse. So when my pain threshold acts up, my body has been previously told a “pain killer” is on the way in the form of a sexual release.

I will keep these in mind. It’s a wonderful way to get exercise too.

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I wonder what other ways you can provide those natural pain killers that your body wants and benefits from, other than from a sexual release?

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Having been privileged to be on the receiving end of your wisdom before, I’m imagining this is a rhetorical question. Meditation certainly would help. Understanding my physical limitations and adhering to them. Avoiding things that exacerbate symptoms knowing full well the consequences of getting into a red area. The game changed, and I must make adjustments. It’s frustrating - at times, maddening. But it’s also doable, should I dig deep and find the discipline. Being on here helps too. Surrounding myself with folks fighting some of the same battles.

Did I miss anything?

The thing that work for me is Calorie Restriction.


You write well.

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In another life I was a writer. Still dabble, but not enough opportunities have presented themselves lately. Thanks for the kind words, though. Have a great week.

Could you elaborate?

Being in a calorie deficit keeps the urges away

But that is definitely not a good long term strategy unless you want to starve yourself

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When you get the urges you can listen to the Ancient Arts album or only the Transmutation and MicroCosmic

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Got this on my daily Spotify playlist. It’s been good to me. Thank you very much, Alex.

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