Reversing and undoing results

Accidentally listened to an eye audio from quadible integrity and as well as a left brain right brain hemi sync and they have both been affecting me negatively. Listened to the eye audio for about a minute and for the left brain right brain hemi sync about 10. I was wondering if using dream seeds energy body aura clearing and quadibles reverse and undo all effects from any formula would both be good to use to solve this issue bringing me back to my original state and what would you mainly recommend doing for my situation need help asap

simply use the Eyes regeneration audio and the enhanced brain Hemisphere conectivity audio. one loop from each is enough. the energies from those two are strong enough to cover your issue.

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You’re going to be ok, you can use aura clearing…
Playing something for a few mins won’t cause any permanent change either way.


Try this:

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group welcome 4

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Ah alright thank you how long and often do you recommend I listen to it?