Reversing sexual preference

I got into an kind of perceived sexual act with a girl and it had an imprinting effect on my sexual preference or likes/dislikes and I want to reverse that or unwire the hard wiring. Please help @Captain_Nemo :worried:. I don’t like what I like, it just makes getting into a relationship harder. I did it because I was a fool and also very deprived at the time of any good emotions for days on end.

maybe this will work?

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The Enigma of the Black Martian Jing

The Blueprint of Life

What does it mean?

It means that the sexual actions performed, which was my first basically sexual experience, it was somewhat intense and it ended up having to make me like specific things during sex, get it now? Although it’s possible to reverse it ofc, in my opinion

Ahh, so you only like it in a certain way now?

Well, I like certain things during it now which I prefer if I don’t like, it makes things easier.

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Enigma Martian Jing should work well on this too

Okay, got it. Why would you prefer not to like them though?
Would having said preferences necessarily be harmful to your sexual life?

Basically it’s rarer for girls to accept what I like. I think. So it just makes getting into a relationship harder

To be honest, I think it’s more like a limiting belief. You cannot possibly vouch for all girls, and besides you don’t need them all. Just one or even if a few, it is possible to find a partner who is into your sexual desires. Just the fact that not everyone likes it doesn’t make your preferences less valid.
Put yourself and your interests first.
And again, it is not harder until you think it is.

Let’s say I like rough sex. It would simply mean a person who prefers soft and gentle sex will be better off with another person to suit their needs, and I would find someone else to satisfy my needs.

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In my opinion it is good to first respect yourself, because if even something pleasant but annoys you in some way, you should at least evaluate it, if not just stay away from it.
You could also try the free Testosterone field, which you can find on Patreon.

Active work with Ego Dissolution.

Maybe the free guided journey before and then the above one.

Sacred Sexuality from @SovereignSubliminals may help you a lot.


Maitreya has a field for cutting sexual cords, I would suggest that too.
You can also revise it ever happening

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I think this is all you need


:mag: 🪢 :scissors:
(Smart Cord Cutter)

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