Reward Catalyst- Nexus Of Wealth

NOTE: only can be used by those that owns [wealth conceptualization, or door of wealth audio ] Otherwise you won’t recive any benifit of most likely won’t feel anything.

Although not intended at first but it most likely became overall better than the original wealth conceptualization audio in my opinion so most likely you could benifit more from this.

So this one is a mandala based of wealth and financial success in your life. It also integrates the vibration of wealth in your system and allows you to vibrate into the frequency of wealth. And like I mentioned before that law of attraction is highly related to law of vibration therefore your vibration had to be on the same frequency of what you desire. It helps to active that. It also removes subconscious blocks that are related to wealth so it will target specific subconscious blocks that you are holding towards wealth. It also makes you accept wealth as only natural cuz most of us subconsciously grew up believing money is evil you shouldn’t chase it etc. But in essence it’s just a tool achieve what you want. It also makes you believe that you can easily obtain money and it’s not difficult for you to do so as it’s only natural to have financial abundance. In fact the universe itself is always abudent but it’s our ignorance, lack of understanding and lack of effort that keeps us away from realizing it. The field also works towards that. And finally confidence towards making money so that you don’t feel guilty working for or earning more money but instead you feel confident as in your own mind you’ll believe you simply deserve it. This is the key mindset that is needed to have the true essence of financial abundance as your mind itself is a tool of creation into the box of reality and what you believe is what you become. Also this removes unhealthy greed towards money and rather makes you have a positive and wholesome approach towards it with making sure you maintain your sense of spirituality at the same time without being consumed by greed in the process.

And there’s also an item maker function. Put an item in the image and say “create” or “create item” and it will start. Will take 5 min at most. The item maker has all function of the mandala but at the same time it works like a radionic device or a beacon what direct wealth energy towards you all the time so you can have a supply of wealth energy 24/7 and never fall short of it. Although I recommend you always wear it but it still works passively like the mandala relardless.

There will be more wealth related stuff in future exclusive to the people that purchased fields related to wealth.

What is this system? Explained here.


For clarifying you don’t need to have both but only having either one of them would allow access.

The same pattern will follow in future as well. You just need to have one from the requirements.

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so this have all the benifits from wealth conceptualization?!

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Nope. Different function.


So should we wear the mandala an item created from the mandala?

You can wear the item all the time. And you can also share created items with anyone you want. The item will also have all function of mandala. Or you can also wear the mandala but I prefer wearing the item as it has some extra stuff. Also since you’re the legit owner you can share created items with others but not the mandala itself.


Is it not finished yet?

It’s combined in the first one so won’t make it separately.


In the same image?


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@Equilibrium for the item maker is it best to print the image and use that to create items. Or would you say doing it with your phone or an ipad screen suffice?

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Use it just like any other mandala. These are nothing special so it doesn’t matter

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