RIFE frequencies

Hi there!

I would like your opinion on RIFE frequencies :slight_smile:
I really like and listen in parallel to a channel called Bioresonance.
Is it ok to combine both frequencies? Let’s say listening to some of Sapien then to some RIFE to reinforce.
And also if anyone else has experience with the channel Bioresonance?
Many thanks in advance for your help.
May you all be safe.
Love :pray::om::heart::palm_tree::notes:


From my perspective (FMP) anytime the individual trusts thru own instincts to layer their own support, it flies.

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Yeah that’s for sure and I have a good feeling about it so I’m just going on but I was curious :smiley:

Rife frequencies have worked well for me in the past. So i don’t see any reason to not use them. Rife works by means of resonance with the cells. Sapien videos work by morphic frequencies or psychic intent. They both get the job done


Yop, worked very well for me too. (Just the noise is a bit annoying)


Thanks for giving your feedback guys :pray::infinity:

Hi MishMish! I’ve came across Bioresonance’s YT channel and was interested in trying a couple of their videos. Have you had any success with them?

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this Bioresonance frequency please
Can it be played on the same device as other sapien’s audio at the same time?
Your practical experience? Will it cause failure?