Rife Frequencys

Just learned about rife frequency’s a few days ago, Ive searched them on this forum and online and found some posts about them but there wasn’t much information about them. Ive heard some people say they work better than fields/subliminal s.

Has anybody used these frequency’s? how exactly do they work, what makes them different from binaurals/morphic fields etc.

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Nope. They are not better.

in fact this epic field here is the combination of ALL of them pushed to better higher results.

The Smarter Rife

And there is not much information about them in this forum because this forum is not about them ;)


Thanks for the info, but I just didn’t search this forum I also search other places online.

also have you ever used rifes?

Yes i have, but long time ago, wouldnt look on that direction anymore after having found SM.

Did you read through the post i shared?

That can give you a good idea

Spooky people for sure ;)



:joy: :joy: :joy: