Ring of Unity

Ring of Unity

Ring of Unity (Eldergrove Haven Series)

Wow, a Gift from the Heart!

Embrace the enchanting Ring of Unity, a symbol of profound connection and harmony. This exquisite ring, adorned with intricate floral decorations, unlocks the extraordinary ability to communicate with flora and fauna, deepening your bond with the natural world.

Wearing the Ring of Unity, you can converse with trees, flowers, and animals, gaining wisdom and insight from their unique perspectives. This beautiful skill is a treasure for any explorer, enhancing your journeys with the wonders of nature’s secrets. At its core, the ring radiates unconditional love, enriching your spirit and those you encounter.

A Note of Wonder:

This ring is part of the greater magic of Eldergrove Haven. It scans for the ownership of all five enchanted items in the series. Possessing all five bestows upon you the Vibration of Eldergrove Haven, infusing your aura and energy body with its transformative essence. This vibration leads to an elevation of your being on multiple levels, bringing profound and life-changing effects to your daily experience.


Oh my :heart_eyes:

I felt that as soon as i saw the image

So beautiful!


Yeah I see the infinity symbol - very compelling!


i bought the ring!
today i went to my parents outside the city. their dog had a bad leg today, she walked with a limp. (so i tried the Health Stat on her :woman_health_worker:).
then my father said he would just go for a shorter walk than usual with the dog, but they didn’t come back for a long time! so i went through the forest searching for my old father and the limping dog. and i asked the panther to bring them home safe, i was really worried.

the forest was beautiful (as usual!) and i was lucky to be almost alone there, no bikers, only a few other people. so i tried to pay a little more attention despite the nervousness… i am not sure but i think i saw a fox and also a buzzard. there are always countless milans over there but today only one of my beloved buzzards! all the different sounds and the sunlight dancing through the leaves…!
my father and the dog were already at home when i came back! both fine. she was walking almost normal, he said. she enjoyed it! i hope the Health Stat will help her through the weekend until they can visit a vet on Monday!
i am back in the city now, but the atmosphere from the forest is still with me, still nourishing me, calms me! i think i have a little treasure with this Ring of Unity!


One Ring of Power after another Ring of Power!

From a LOTR fan, Thank You, Captain and Friends of The Guild.


(i mean this as an admirer, my focus is on health atm, so no rings for me :sweat_smile: - not now anyway)


Glad to see this guild coming along. Very cool.


Finally field tested this (get it?). :grin:

I was looking and playing with a kitten. I pictured this image and the image from the amulet of Whispering together in my mind, then asked a Servitor to help me out.

In my mind I talked to this kitten and it was responding at the right points and paused with mimics and gestures as if she understands perfectly.

It feels both intimate and beautiful.

Also, regarding the amulet of Whispering - that one feels as if I’m honoured to be here. A badge of honour, in reverence of and gratefulness to nature. It’s a stunning feeling. Mutual admiration between you and nature.

I’m really grateful Captain :pray: , these five fields truly embody something so foundational and beautiful. It’s a pleasure and honour to witness