Rising to the surface

Things are really starting to rise to the surface lately. I keep getting memories after memories of the past. I’m using audios for letting go, amygdala, cutting cords, soul contracts/retrieval, aura cleansing, emotional release. Just things like this before I play any other fields. I really need to learn astrology as it seems to be playing a big role in my life as well. I’ve been really searching deep within myself. I’m realizing that anger I was always feeling wasn’t truly anger but sadness or fear of some sort. The anger comes from the hurt because it’s what makes me feel powerful compared to the sadness. I’ve realized I get mad when people see I’m in a bad mood because I don’t like to feel “exposed”. I was taught in life sadness was weakness rather than to use the energy properly and I’m working on this. I’m realizing a lot of things and I’m going to clear this all out and elevate more. We are limitless. Remember it’s all progress no matter how bad it may seem. None of it matters. Break free and let go!


I’m getting there. It’s hard but I’m really getting good at dealing with things now. It’s like I’m being forced to relive everything in my head including emotions and feelings I miss and all. I almost cried the other day even. It’s hard to go through this but it was well over do. Everybody kept telling me I needed this but I kept running. I never wanted to face the past. I guess I was just scared of letting it all go and didn’t realize it. I guess I wasn’t ready until now. It’s been a darker/sad road these past few days but I’m seeing the light. I’m even progressing psychically now. It’s like the more you hold on to the harder it is to progress in EVERYTHING and it even takes longer the longer you hold on. I’m learning but still have much to learn

if you want to work on your placements you could try PU’s fields.
Saturn Healing and Development
Lilith Healing and Development
Pluto Healing and Development
all available on patreon.
And yes, anger is here to gift you some kind of initiation or power to change things.

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I have to watch this one. I’m starting to not get stuck in them as much now. I’m starting to feel it too if that makes sense. It’s like this wave of energy going over you and your mind like gets stuck but if you do something that will hit the brain. I’ve learned that helps. Like reading for example. For me I’ve been realizing I’m very bored with life anymore and get bored very quick and it’s when I’m bored is when that mind state tries to creep up. I used to love video games and movies and music but now I just can’t stand the things i used to love. They just don’t serve me anymore. All I do anymore is read and talk to myself expanding my knowledge and awareness

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Just know my friend you are never alone.

I too was there for the longest time.

It will unfold naturally, the movie of your life.

Even as my thoughts travel back to remember myself then in the place you are now.

But as with everything there is just this.


Take care dear.

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