Romance Advice Thread

I’m actually a bit disappointed because it says it’s about love & relationships & I see a ton of replies basically about NOT having relationships.

Could anyone please suggest fields and things including any results using Dream’s things for GETTING a happy loving relationship.

I am a woman by the way and not all of us are whatever some people here seem to think we are some of us are actually kind and loving and just want to be loved and love back be treated good and treat YOU good and PLEASE stop bring age into it EVERYONE deserves love if they want it WHATEVER their age, whatever their looks.

ANYWAY so back to what i asked back to what I THOUGHT this post was about but never mind that, what fields have those of you who actually DO want or did want and now have a happy loving relationship suggest or use? Thank you.

Could I also please hear back from anyone IN a happy loving relationship please as I feel a bit discouraged as a single and looking - and older - Dream listener after reading some of the replies and it would encourage me to read from those of you who HAVE found love . Thanks!

Can I just add we’re not all horrible bitches who want to hurt men and some of us have been through a ton of rejection and heartache ourselves.

Now, could I please hear some positive success stories? Suggestions on fields to find love with someone who is NOT going to judge me for being female?

But who is open to a relationship?


thank you! i really wanted to point this out myself as it shows that they’re not really ready for relationships anyways if they view people (regardless of gender) like this.

i too am single and would love insight. i feel that all my personal and work relationships have blossomed mainly because i look for romantic love and apply what i learn.

i currently don’t have anyone i’m really attracted to even though i’ve met amazing men especially this year. i don’t have that extra push to develop our relationship in a more romantic way.

i’ve taken the advice to ‘just enjoy your life and your special someone will arrive’. that’s definitely happened before, but i feel like it doesn’t work anymore.

i feel that i’m more equipped for a relationship, and at the same time there’s a part of me that knows i’m not ready, but how would i know if i’m not faced with anyone i really want to be around?

i too would like to ask the same thing. i’ve honestly tried all there is to try with the love audios and i haven’t had the success i was looking for and have instead chose to use fields that gave me more immediate effects.

for me it’s about feeling in love and not just about the relationship and partner. i’ve been with people who i don’t have those love and romantic feelings for and it felt like a waste of time and therefore i didn’t really try.

i’ve felt strong romantic feelings for others and yet they don’t really work if the ones in question don’t feel the same way.


anyways! my own advice from my current relationships (that are not romantic):

  • give when your cup is flowing, remind others about your boundaries when you need to fill your own cup.
  • communication is key. learn that what their heart, mind, and souls say and not just the words. it’s kind of like how the audio carries the morphic fields. :thinking:
  • be present with them. if you’re thinking, you’re not really listening to them.
  • look into their eyes as much as comfortably possible for you and them.
  • establish your boundaries. if someone pushes you to do something you’re not comfortable with, be firm in getting them to understand. relationships should feel free and nurturing.
  • if you’re not comfortable in a relationship, re-asses the situation(s), bring in a mediator, or leave. maybe burn the bridge, maybe leave it. this is your call to make, not theirs.

practice giving love that you’re comfortable giving. i am currently enjoying the 5 love languages and i’ll post them here by memory:

  • physical touch, quality time, acts of service, words of affirmation, and gift giving
  • learn how you give love to others and ask others what they like
  • learn how you receive love from others and tell others what you like
  • when you know how to give and receive love, you’ll then know how to grow your relationships through practicing the 5 love languages.
  • every interaction counts. i’ve had people in my life that i found were my biggest critics turn out a few months later to be my biggest supporter. they then told me how much i mean to them and how much they felt they’ve grown because of knowing me.

now for my own questions:

  • does online dating work? i ask because it never really works for me.
  • anyone LGBTQIA+ have tips on finding potential romantic partners?
  • is my issue that i don’t want to expend my energy to go out and meet new people or am i still not ready for a romantic relationship? this question is for the more psychically in-tune.

sending out love to all those who read this! you are worthy of being loved the way you like. you are enough. you are beautiful.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


I think people care too much about whether they are alpha, beta or charlie. Typical male mind, we love to strategise and plan even relationships like it’s a war.

Alpha, you gotta use aggressive air strikes and not appear weak, don’t let the enemy see your weaknesses, you should not cry or show the slightest crack. Beta, you gotta load up your supplies to prepare for war rations. Resources is key! Blah blah blah. Hulk smash.

It’s all still wired in that territorial, divide-and-conquer mindset that is very much survival driven.

Recent research shows that there isn’t such a thing as an alpha male behavior. Wolf heads show just as much care and resource as “inferiorly ranked” wolves. Wolves are btw, where they got all those concepts from.

Imho it’s all to do with a male’s (or female’s) own inner life. For example, attachment patterns, how we deal with stress, how we were cared for as children, what our styles of deriving love were, emotional trauma, personality traits and so on.

Also, compatibility through our genetics! Attraction isn’t a choice. Smell for example, shows partners whether their MHC complexes are compatible - it helps us make a baby who is more immune and resistant to external traits. We also tend to prefer others who carry similar traits to our mothers and fathers, or bear similar facial features to ourselves. Again, there is a genetic basis to all this.

Attraction is genetic and phenotypic. Mating behaviors, courting rituals are also found in animals and aren’t exclusive in humans.


synchronistically a friend shared this with me and it really opens my eyes to where we’re at as a collective (at least for the heterosexual side as this study is).

I think there could be a different thread for gender roles, thought o be honest im not sure how productive it would be. In my experience, discussing this with strangers on the internet is not very productive because you have to know the background of the person youre talking to. I have some friends from e.g. Canada, and I know their experience and the issues they see in society has been VASTLY different than my experience growing up in Eastern Europe! In my native language we dont even have a word for certain things that are “social issues” in the west, that’s how non-existent those things are, and the farther east you go, the more things are different.

@psynergy, do you think you being single is really a bad thing?
I am also single now for about a year (counting serious relationships only). For some time recently I tried dating, but I had a similar experience as you - I was dating some guys, but it just didnt develop into love from my side. So then after a while i felt bad for “stringing them along” so i broke it off.
Then recently I realized… I dont actually really feel like dating. I do it because that is what i “should” be doing according to society, since im in my late 20s with somewhat above average looks, so this is the time when “i should find the person to have kids with, if i want children”. However, deep inside, i actually couldnt care less.
I think this year is not kind with singles, pretty much the only option you have is online dating.
I had both good and bad experiences with it - overall i think if youre willing to invest a lot of energy (meeting 4 people a week, spending a lot of time online etc) then you’ll find someone quickly. But it’s way more than what i am willing to do now.


I suggest looking up for videos related to this from channel on YouTube. He’s brutally honest in his introspective talks, it may help many of us.

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Totally recommend!

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The only ugly people in this thread are both of you @FBI_cyber_division @KingMerc

Seriously who would want to be with either of you two, what attitudes you both have regarding women.

Look around you, I don’t see perfection in this world anywhere. People of all ages, sizes, and looks have relationships, fall in love, have romances etc, it is not exclusive to the supposed beautiful ones.

Honestly @FBI_cyber_division you really let yourself down with your attitudes


Ah yeah it’s true, my great grandpa had a girlfriend when he was 80 :joy: I think she was 70 or so

I think @FBI_cyber_division was talking more in general which is what I see as well unfortunately most of the time when I looks around. However, my personal experience with men is very different, i can testify there are great men out there who are looking for a deep connection more than just increasing body count ;)


I think this is one of the topics where people react rather than respond.
I was quite happy that someone said something against gynocentric society because I would not have had the time / energy to go into that debate.
Often there is a lot of contempt and pain behind some of these ideas.

The attitudes described by both of you are everywhere, but at the end of the day everyone can decide for themselves who they direct their attention to and what they give energy to.
Besides, sometimes being underestimated has its advantages as well :)



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No, it’s cool. I got what you meant without your explanation. :slightly_smiling_face:

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yeah no one’s really talking about the actual topic which is advice about romance and/or love.

as a spiritually inclined forum, we could definitely talk about genders (yeah there’s more than two and it’s not just biological) in a separate thread rather than on here.

i honestly thought it was bad for the majority of my life. your question brought up very early memories of me being in my toddler ages and already judging the looks and personality of those around me. it felt like as a child i was just picking up where i left off from ‘previous lives’ as that’s the only way i can explain me being 4 and already having thoughts about romance and love without my parents, tv, or anyone to really teach me.

i don’t think it’s a bad idea to be single. i am just more confused because i excel in everything else i do but romance is like trying to learn alien technology. i could even say it’s more bewildering to me than ‘enlightenment’. i just want to really know and understand what romance and love means to me in the very core of my being and not just intellectually.

yeah when i zoom ahead of my daydreams with having a partner i realize there’s definitely more to life than just devoting myself to one person and i too don’t really feel like dating.

maybe this is all ego for me then.


in other news!

let’s try to get back on track with actual advice, friends! maybe i’m expecting more from everyone as we are here to develop and grow, but there’s gotta be more people that can share their experiences.


here’s some more advice from a single:

  • freely give with no expectations. giving with an expectation is ‘trading’ and personally not my idea of love.

  • don’t put anyone on a pedestal. treat others equally as you treat yourself (unless you treat yourself badly, then fix that too friend).

  • actively create appreciation towards those you love and those you are learning to love. why is someone special to you? let them know.

  • it’s okay to flirt. a lot of people like that kind of attention. just know when and where it’s appropriate. it’s up to your discernment what that means to you.

  • play up your strengths and be honest with your ‘weaknesses’. you’re not really funny? don’t force it. be honest in your interactions with others.

  • let your past relationships go so you have room to grow your current and new relationships. this also allows the one you had a past relationship to change and possibly come back. (etheric cord cutter could help with this)

  • ego dissolution and any morphic fields that reduce thinking. you want to be as present in the moment with those you wish to grow relationships.

  • emotional release and other audios related to your feelings of love and/or romance. for example, if you are an angry person and want to reduce your irritation towards others, listen to anger management.

  • mental health album would also be pretty great

  • grief loss and loneliness audio would be helpful to move on (although to be honest i never really got results but maybe i haven’t listened long enough)

  • subconscious limits removal audio and/or tag (pretty self explanatory)

  • reach for the stars (enhanced glory) tag - i really want this for romance and love purposes. i have best path in life as i feel that i want a more colourful experience and i’m currently done with only living my life for love and romance.

what i’m using for love and romance:

  • pleiadian energy and intercession - i’d encourage others to do their own reading on pleiadians. it’s still too early for me to share my experiences with them, but i sleep with this tag almost every night.
  • subconscious limits removal tag - initially this tag made me feel lethargic, and now i can wear it for as long as i like.
  • fae servitor to draw in positively energetic experiences
  • es servitor for shielding purposes when meeting new people
  • ego dissolution because of my above statement. egos don’t really help in relationships as far as my experiences go. they’re inherently self-centred.

Maybe you can try New spiritual growth mindset audio or Draw like minded friends on SM Instagram.

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Great ideas thank you!!

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This is excellent & some helpful things too. Thank you thank you thank you for your reply!!


Suggestion for fields/audio, this is only for WOMEN:


I am VERY interested in checking this out because I’m not going into detail but also literally something happened when I was in the womb that was also a rejection so hmmm very interested to have a look. Thank you, SilverZuzu.

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Athena- You are most welcome!

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