Safe Point Field



Do we use headphones ? how many loops ?


ive thought this exactly, but…we have the universal harmonyzer, and thought this would be more suitable for work environment. one can probe and see for work, somehow i didnot dare …idk why.

probed it. works for work.




Is this also a word play with save point? Is that how the regression prevention works?

E.g: we get some negative effects from some improper practice or even some energy work or curse done on us. Would this erase those negative effects too? Take use back to the last save-point except for progress, only for any possible setback?


Hi mate.

This is more setback on self-mastery than setback of improper practices… which is more of “spiritual fall”.

The field doesn’t said returning from spiritual fall, that is… a whole different ball game. Even more so for tantric practices and kundalini awakening (those two need proper guidance… if let be, all hell gonna broke loose. I have seen it people go crazy and some lost their lives because not heeding the guidance that were given). One easy way out is to avoid things that one doesn’t understand.

Despite having said that, the field can help to aid in protection and supporting by transmute negative energies to positive energies had there is any attack.

Anyway, here below I share my viewpoint if anyone interested to read.


One of key benefits said “Regression Prevention: Actively prevents setbacks on your path to self-mastery, maintaining consistent progress”. Hence, it can be said this field worked by guiding the bodily process and subconscious mind in ALL ways for the purpose of maintaining consistent progress upon the desired self-mastery.

Under normal circumstances, the conscious mind either react/response to what subconscious cue and bodily impulse say with varying degree. In context of self-mastery, we want to govern and take back our sovereignty and master the desired state (ether glamour, confidence, self-love, skill, lifestyle etc).

The difference here is that, this field can help to fast-track the “gameplan” of self-mastery.

The regression prevention part means having mechanism that work with subconscious mind and body, propelling away of compulsive thought patterns, bodily memory, subconscious cues etc that ensue probable setback… and promote it toward thought patterns, bodily memory, subconscious cues etc to maintain progress of self-mastery path. For some it worked/manifest by promoting empowering self-talk, beneficial thought-patterns, for some it worked by guiding subconscious mind to be alerted with “negative” cues – which is unfavorable for spiritual progress, for some it can lit up neurons then for some it can push down neuron.

I might sound rambling lol, I just don’t want people get the wrong idea and not put active effort co-work with morphic field that can be very beneficial for self-mastery.

Peace and Love


How did you find out it works at work places?


Having this field on in the background on the loop in your home basically turns it into a sanctuary. The energy circulates through your home for 20-40 hours even after stopping the audio. Yes, other people in your room reap the benefits as well. If it’s an office space that you are playing this in, they reap theose benefits too and you may likely find yourself living in a more benevolent, positive space over time. Remember a key point in life: You are also your environment.

Environmental fields are very underrated I believe, as often times, just shifting the energy in your environment will shift it in you. And this is a field that shifts the energy in your environment to fully support your energy and wellbeing, your intentions and growth. So, playing this in your space will keep you in the vibration that best supports your path.

If you do pranayama while this field is playing, you enhance the effects of the field tendfold. As you know, pranayama draws in energy from your environment so… yeah! You attune to the field quite powerfully and enhance its effects on you.

This field is great to play if you enter a negative space or somewhere with someone who’s negativity is quite alarming. The field will clear that up and make the space more pleasant for all of you.

If you have this field playing in one device, and then play other fields you are using, it can enhance those fields for you as well.

And the biggest thing of all, as this field keeps you in this ‘safe point’ when you’re doing your spiritual work. Obviously, after looping it for a bit, the energy remains in the room. But when working on your subconscious limiting beliefs or yoga or whatever work you are doing on yourself, it will enhance that as well.

So yeah, this isn’t a complicated field to use but just wanted to share a number of its uses to you all.


thank you very very much for the input!


How is the music for this field? Ambient?


I absolutely love this idea. I’ve been working to create this in my room for a while, it’s wonderful that there is a field available that would do this for me. To the “when able” list it goes.


The field itself is subtle and healing within the first few minutes you can feel it destroying negativity within the home and providing protection. One of the things you can do with the field is ask it to reveal its self. Once I did this I saw a huge lady with flowers in her hair removing negativity throughout my space. Given that this field utilizes divine intercession the uses for it can be limitless. However use discretion because I have not fully experimented with it yet to know its limits.


Aw, wow 🥹


@SammyG how do you use this field ? You use headphones ? How many loops a day for maxi effects ?

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This is an environmental field and so it will have an impact on the energy of your environment. From my understanding I would play this on the phone speakers (or any speakers) but not on headphones, think of this like transforming your home into a sacred sanctuary and much more. From the description it says it lasts from 20-40 hours.
I’d be looping this most of the time when I am home and not listening to my stack so that when someone enters my house it will be like walking into a sanctuary, with the addition of being greeted with hot jasmine tea.


So it means if I want to “pacify” the office, I have to loop all the time the field and my coworkers will hear the music the whole day everyday ? It will not be very practical

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IMO for a field to work it doesn’t need to be heard


This field is amazing. I’ve been using it at home, in restaurants, and while traveling. It makes the space feel calm and clearer, and I’ve noticed that people seem to get along better, especially on planes. Highly recommended.


Can you explain how you use it ?

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You just play the audio where you are on your phone. Use your phone’s speaker. The volume could be low and that’s fine as well. Could have it play 2-3 times and that’s fine. But for even greater effect, you can keep it on loop (low volume is best) for thhat. And that is… it. Nothing more to it.