Saint Michael NFT

I guess so, lol. Should I change my nickname into SomeOne? Or is it already taken :joy:


That would be hilarious lol


Listening to Essence of Faith and Prayer and connecting with Saint Michael :pray:t3:


Yeah I was also thinking that maybe I should just put a point between ā€œnoā€ and ā€œOneā€ to truly convey how humble I am :stuck_out_tongue:

We should do a contest one of these days to see whoā€™s the most ego less of the community. Iā€™m gonna win for sure, but you can participate, no problem.



Oh yeah thanks for the reminder lol


My second name is Michael after St Michael and I used to live right next to St Michaelā€™s Well when I was younger, always felt a nice energy there. St Michaelā€™s prayer was one of the first my mother thought me also (i only know 4 off by heart)
I got a unexpected gift of a small bit of money today also so everything seemed like it was meant to be to get St Michaelā€™s NFT today, Iā€™m happy it has worked out :pray:t3:

Edit: If Iā€™m feeling well enough tomorrow Iā€™m going to take a drive to St Michaelā€™s Well and bless my NFT with the water from the Well :slightly_smiling_face:
So far there is a feeling of calmness, being protected and being humble and gracious. Much more feeling of being peaceful than I was expecting. Really really nice.
Thanks Dream :pray:t3:


Night my bro

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Thatā€™s interesting, I also have always felt a particular connection to the Archangel, both for personal devotion and also for the fact that I live in a city in Italy where there is an ancient paleo-christian church dedicated to St. Michael, legend says that it is one of the points of conjunction that go exactly through the St. Michael leyline (also known as the sun/apollo layline) which starts from Skellig Michael, touches other 5 points and ends in Jerusalem.


So you can imagine how proud and blessed I feel to have this NFT.


Why tho? I donā€™t understand their wasnā€™t an issue they all got sold.

It shouldnā€™t be a problem.

Itā€™s fine, we git a timer and everything so we aready knew what was coming

I more donā€™t understand you, I got my personal copy and Iā€™m grateful about it but the others with their piles of salt instead of spreading the negativity should suggest something else instead (like requesting a remint for example).

Skellig Michael is just off the coast of County Kerry where I live in Ireland :slightly_smiling_face:
Nice to meet you St Michael Leyline friend :smiley:


Are there descriptions available to connect with the NFT and how can we work with Saint Michael ?


I wonder how the NFT version compares to the Michael mandala from Instagram?

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An observation
A year ago Aphroditeā€™s audio was released- basically, a back-to-back with St Michaelā€™s. In that same very order.
With regards to this year:
3 days back it was Aphroditeā€™s graceful release, and today on 9.29 St.Michaelā€™s.
Aphroditeā€™s season begins at the end of September (usually 9.23-9.26) and Michaelā€™s special day, 9.29

It means a lot to me for some reason this past weeks releases occurred.
maybe because this week of the year has always felt a little surreal to me- like a time warp. Whenever itā€™s the end of September, regardless of the year, a distinct nonetheless graceful energetic presence emerges; these energies for a few days allow themselves (to me at least) to be more known, more exposed, an unveiling of the curtain if you will.

When I was younger I used to think it was some nonlinear time vortex showing off its glow, but now I think, or am fairly certain, itā€™s just them; Aphrodite and St.Michael.

So this is
very surreal. very
Iā€™ve always felt like Iā€™ve been missing pieces of the puzzle but eventually, Iā€™d find them, and I admit it, 2021 and ā€™22 I think Iā€™ve unraveled 25% of it, but I feel like Iā€™m about to enter a new terrain now.

I donā€™t think itā€™s fair to compare the mandala and the NFTs to one another, by the way. I love the mandalas, I have them in my room, but Iā€™m actually a little nervous to print this one out. Because itā€™s like I know once I do, thereā€™s no going back; itā€™s turn the key open the lock. And thatā€™s not as much as a fortune cookie statement as much as it is an inevitable reality- and not just for me, but anyone of yā€™all whoā€™ll hold this.

also the most insane thing happened today,
Iā€™d planned to leave from here for a good while since yesterday.but this morning, the Michael as a NFT came to mind, it was very strange. I donā€™t even know how or why but I suddenly found myself on this site reading this holy and sacred revelation- er I mean release announcement :slight_smile:


Missed that one, but I wanted to share a pic of the beautiful Mont Saint Michel.

(monks used to live at the top, and you can strongly feel Saint Michaelā€™s energy)

Anyone visiting France, Iā€™d highly recommend you to do a little detour :slight_smile:


I am thankful for somehow being able to get this one. Was deep in a meeting, then communications went out. While waiting for everything to be restored, went to check my phone, and saw timer has disappeared, and it was actually for sale! I felt a peace and presence enter my heart, with it just being on my phone. I was able to visit St Michaelā€™s Mount on my last trip to Europe, itā€™s is accessible from Marazion in Cornwall when the tide is out, or you can get there by ferry also. Felt the same presence when I visited St Michaelā€™s Mount.


:sparkles:I love thisā€¦The Blessings of Aphrodite was playing in my playlist as I was making my purchase of the Saint Michael. It finished just as I finished my purchase. :sparkling_heart:


Couldā€™ve view on the work pc had to upload my own lol


Hereā€™s a little video of Skellig Michael.
Itā€™s been very interesting reading up about all the places on the laylines. The pics of
Mont Saint Michel and St Michaelā€™s Mount that have been posted here are beautiful.
There were a few scenes from some Star Wars Movies done on Skellig Michael also for any Star Wars fans that might be interested :slightly_smiling_face:


Any updates :eyes: