Saints, Miracles and Mystical Experiences

Feel free to share any such experiences, if you want.


Once, like a decade and a half ago, when I was a teen, me, my mom and a couple (ex) neighbors visited the tomb of a local Saint (he isn’t sanctified yet, by the Church, but apparently the Church took the decision to Canonize/Sanctify him recently, and it will happen in the following years; anyway, that’s just the official approval of the Church), called Arsenie Boca.

We used to go visit such places (including Monasteries - and Romania is FULL of Monasteries) back then, we had those pilgrimages.

Anyway, back to our experience…

After waiting in a HUGE line, it was full of people, we finally reached Arsenie’s tomb.
We stayed a little bit more around there.

At one point, We were ready to leave…
There were only a few people left near his tomb, and me and my mom were among those few left there (our neighbors already left, to go to the local monastery) and as we were going down from the local (small) hill, a man suddenly appeared, out of no where.
He asked us for some money, he mentioned a (train) station, he had to go there (which station? Lol, I should have asked).
Well, it was a small sum of money, and we gave him.

His eyes caught my attention, he was like looking through you, like seeing your soul.

Anyway, after we paid him, we continued to go on our way.
Maybe up to 20 or so seconds later, I looked after that man and he was no where to be seen.
We were on a small hill, there were no objects to hide him from our view, yet he vanished, he was nowhere to be found.

That was a mystical experience.