Sanctum NFT

Perfect for us Kryptonians


Why not both? :slight_smile:


Because I couldn’t learn as much from that. Both is what I’d say too. Lol. But I’m leaning towards at home. But I’d have to try it out in the world too just to see.


Please give reviews on this one. Anyone. Especially if you used it out around people, how that went.

Do toxic people react to you differently? Vampires can’t touch holy ground in the movies (bringing this up as a metaphor) … I just wonder.


I play this audio daily throughout the day with some others and my place feels like a protective bubble. Any harsh/harmful energies are removed and it feels peaceful. There is a softness in the air if that makes sense. I don’t know how to explain it clearly.

I love this one. :sparkles:


I want to share my experience with Sanctum. I use it in the Hospital where I work ( a place with a lot of negative energy that drains you certainly). Sanctum 3 times is enough for me to feel the effect for the next 5-6 hours. It creates calmness, repel the negativity and soften the situations. Yesterday I had three patients in a critic condition and in a few hours after a common treatment they were recovered as if there were nothing before. I suppose Sanctum is able to do some positive (miraculous) changes in the events.
Thank you Sapien!


I used this field today after the initial practice, I had after purchasing it. It creates a beautiful space. I had been tense and anxious about some work related situation. I started the day very very anxious, wasn’t able to do my morning meditation session and I looped this along with blessed path and then the day was awesome inspite of obstacles having multiplied actually. my energy levels sustained even though situation was draining.

loved it all n all, will experiment further. I think it’s worth carrying around instead of just as private sacred space. It creates a Ballon of safe space to be in and observe life at a distance.


The energy in this field is so thick and rich


check The Blessed Path NFT


Does this NFT only work on the emotions of the user (feeling calm and safe) or is this really an environmental field that changes the energy in the room and affects all nearby people?


I can tell you this NFT changes the environment and the events in a positive direction for sure.




Does anybody know how this compares to “The Sacred Sanctuary” that is not available anymore?

Does it feel the same?


After a few loops of the audio I could smell the meals my grandma used to cook. I also got a sense of security and peace. A feeling I‘ve been missing for quite a while.
I spent most of my time with her after my school because my parents were still working. She picked me up from school and took me with her. Cooked for me. Everytime…
I miss her. She died 23 years ago…
Was not expecting something like this with this NFT. A lovely and safe place! Thanks a lot for this!!!


This one + Silent Mind let’s me almost forget about everything. Even about my cancer diagnosis. Both of the fields let me feel totally at peace with everything. Yes…with everything!!! Totally at peace! What a wonderful feeling it is!
In my opinion both NFT‘s could cost a lot more for what they do. Not only for the silence but also for my mental illness. Thanks Dream!!!


You are talking about the Sacred Sanctuary one right?

Or you mean like what you felt when playing the Sacred Sanctum audio, the Sanctum NFT Mandala made you feel that too?

Ohh this has an audio!!

So i got to message the person i got it from a trade i didnt know it has an audio!!


It‘s a NFT + audio. The audio alone got me that feeling like written in my first post. For sure the NFT was already in my wallet. I normally print all of my NFT‘s on chip cards. Got this one yesterday and carry it since I got it in my pocket. Way more intense. I feel safe. Like a place before all of your problems started


I am so happy this has an audio!!

I traded it like a week ago, but hadnt had a chance to print it and i wanted to find a place where i could print it big not just a regular sheet size.

So when u made me realized it has an audio ahhhh what a good surprise.

I have not stopped playing it and i feel floating!!

Thank you for sharing your experience!


There are 3 fields that I decided not to sell never;

sanctum (maintain an amazing environment).

astrologically inclined.

And Shielding3.0 for its benefits of physical protection (since spiritually I am practically untouchable to any entity except for high-ranking archons (polarized light), which can sometimes touch me).

They are my 3 favorite nfts… although I might add project mental health to the list later.

Sanctum is a amazing field! Underrated.


Thank you so much for sharing this… :pray:

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