Sapien Medicine Thanksgiving Sale (Black Friday/Cyber Monday)!

Hey @Dreamweaver I just ordered SLR + Intercession. If you can get IPF 2.0 done I want to add that to order 100%, insta buy.

Only one of the two, also because I bought Soul Core Restoration last week

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there will be IPF 2.0 what are the updates ???

@Dreamweaver Thank you for taking time to make that tag for those who hoped for it, Dream! :slightly_smiling_face: :pray:


love gratitude and appreciation to you @Dreamweaver and @SammyG and if there’s anyone else in the sapien medicine team

:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :hugs:


Happy Black Friday! Thank you so much! I just got the cognitive and memory enhanced. :D


Thanks a lot ! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I dont understand how does the route package protection on Sapien Shop works?
What’s the value one can choose from the dropdown?

Anyone know how much the cost of shipping a single Tag to Europe is approximately?

Hi, I got charged $13.44

@Dreamweaver @Sammy_G any chance of A.P.E or Matchmaker? Sorry if it is asking for too much

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I don’t know about A.P.E
but definitely not matchmaker.

As much as i write in the description that you need to interact with people and also put out a little effort.
People usually buy it, then sit and wait.



Shame that, I was waiting for my purchase on Teespring for those

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Dear @Dreamweaver , please for people who are older especially our parents APE is a great help, as for Matchmaker please do it to be able to be successful in the business world and to have good interpersonal relationships.
Please, dear captain, consider it. :raised_hands: :raised_hands: :raised_hands:


So is this the end of you selling matchmaker? Or will it be updated?

Matchmaker is one of the best tags I have and its brought me success as I actually went out and used it.


I think so,

But who knows for the future, maybe i will write a very long description to dissuade buyers if listed to make it seem as it doesnt work that well.
Perhaps i need to add mental and subconscious pushes to actually get these guys/girls to go out and interact instead of waiting for somebody to show up at their door.


Lol (on Sapiens response) in positive way

either they probably lack willpower or some beliefs about ppl or about themselves blocking them, or both… shrug



“Since I was young, I knew ‘the one’ will come into my life and I would finally be complete. And we would live happily ever after”

10 years later

“I don’t believe this. I’m still alone. This matchmaker tag is fucking BS. Sapien lied to me. I’ve been sitting at home for the last ten years waiting for her to magically appear and she never did.”

The End


What they lack is confidence, and all they really need was confidence audio not matchmaker.