Sapien Medicine Update

Hey everyone, I see there’s been some confusion lately, so I want to take a moment to clarify the changes, new videos, and the current direction of Sapien Medicine.

When Dream went through a challenging period last November, he made the decision to delete many videos. However, he did choose to keep all of the music albums on Sapien Medicine. This allowed him to maintain some passive income in a way that aligned with his need for peace. At that time, he moved away from the majority of income sources because financial gain was no longer a priority…his focus shifted to finding inner balance and tranquility.

Now, after some time to heal and recalibrate, Dream is in a much better place. He has found the peace he’s sought for so long. Now that he has, he decided to occasionally post albums. He still doesn’t want to give up on the work of helping others through fields and recognizes the value in doin so.

This approach allows him to take a much more passive approach to his work while maintaining the balance and tranquility he has worked so hard to achieve. It also provides a modest amount of passive income…just enough to get by… without disrupting the peace he values so deeply.

Now keep in mind, many of the fields being released are upgraded versions of older ones but he will create newer ones as well.

If you choose not to engage with these, that’s entirely understandable. I know the changes might feel disorienting, and I sincerely apologize for any confusion. My role here is simply to flow with the changes and do my best to support this community.

As for the forum, I recognize the adjustments have also left some feeling uncertain. So I want you all to address your questions and concerns. One thing I plan to do, and hope for some help with, is create a comprehensive description directory for NFT descriptions that include testimonials for your reference.

On the ES Patreon, the primary goal has always been to cover the high forum costs, and thanks to your support, we’ve been able to achieve that. I truly appreciate everyone contributing to keeping this space alive. I’m working hard to provide as much value as possible to our subscribers. If you have suggestions for additional features or exclusive perks for Patreon members, please feel free to share them. I’m always open to ideas on how to improve your experience.

If you have any questions or need clarification, I’m here to help. Please ask away.


Thank you for updating us with this wonderful news brother! We are glad to hear Dream has recovered well and found his inner peace :muscle::gift_heart:


Happy to hear all this

Will we see a return the gumroad?


Good to see Dream being Rejuvenated, We will wait to see if Gumroad Returns!


This a great update, I’m glad Dream is in a better place now and It’s great he found a way to keep that inner peace and tranquility while maintaining a more passive approach.

Also thank you Sammy for all the hard work you’ve put in these last few months, it must have been rather difficult but it feels like things are in a much better place then they were in November. You’ve also put out a lot of value on Patreon recently. I’ve been trying out and incorporating the Vital Force Spiritual Routine recently and it feels great :+1:


Very happy to hear that Dream is doing better. Truly :grin:


This makes me so happy! and such a relief, as i almost felt like some parasite using his work when he is not ok, i felt kind of guilty. i will play the youtube albums more than i did before now!


will gumroad fields ever be sold again?


Thanks for the update and good to know that Captain is doing better.


That is wonderful to read. Thank you for the update!


Thank you, for the clarification.



This is great news. Thanks for sharing. No questions this time, just happy to hear things are better.


This is wonderful update :innocent::pray:


:pray::pray: Thank you

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if gumroad could be made available or a private place where people could buy paid audios again would be fantastic


Happy that he’s much better now and happy for his reuploads. However it would be great if the descriptions could be found somewhere as I can see in YouTube a lot are uncertain of each field and to newcomers how would they know?


Search the forum and read. Much was asked and answered. Many of us have been diligently reading everything since the forum started. Asking others is a shortcut when there isn’t an immediate concern. This is not just to you but to @everyone:

This forum is a goldmine and repository of exceeding great wealth of all types. From posts from the OGs and gems from Dream and Sammy to specific testimonials on what worked. But it’s not all on the surface.
It must be mined.

Please take advantage of every word while we have it with us. It’s like investing in an education, and you can do it for $10/month.


This is the BEST News!!! WOO HOO!!! My Heart Soars at hearing DW is doing Better and finding Peace and Serenity!!! Thank you for sharing this with us Sammy!!! :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:

Let’s keep sending Loving Gratitude, Support, and Blessings, to our Dear Captain, (and the rest of the pillars who so generously give of their time and energy in this forum :heart: ) that He (and they) may continue to grow to new heights of Expansion, Abundance, Wisdom, Harmony, Happiness, Light, and Universal Existence.


Hmm…this inconvenience was a blessing in disguise for me. I probably wouldn’t be here if the info would be available on yt. I learn so much more in this place. Maybe post about the forum and give a hint? :thinking:


@Rosechalice I appreciate the thoughts Rose and do agree. But I will be creating a description database for everyone cause at the end of the day, descriptions are extremely important for those who use fields. I don’t think that should be hidden behind a paywall. I’ll also be adding descriptions to the new uploads on youtube.

The threads certainly add far more value to fields though so I still recommend that route. A lot of the information posted on them are certainly goldmines.