Unicorn Morphic Field Item: Energy x Subconscious Ideation x Mindset
You can add sub fields like boosters of Glory x Unlimited Energy x SLR x CME x Wealth etc.
*Also for CME, can add Fluid Intelligence x Working Memory enhancement x ENPP6 x Superhuman Supergenius.
Morphic experience to help build startups valued at 1B+ = Unicorn
Unicorn: A startup valued at one billion dollars or more.
- To help multi-billion dollar startups/companies, billion dollar/trillion dollar idea satori/afflatus/eureka insights from the subconscious mind.
Certes, even multi-trillion dollar enterprises are now within the realm of possibility, having that AI and Cryptocurrency, Space Mining etc. are all industries altering the playing field/ growing exponentially.
- Imagine if a field item like this could help someone like me using AI come up with a cure for Alzheimer’s, Cornavirus, or solve the broken education system!
- Being able to work 120+ hour work weeks/ultimate productivity
*Renaissance Man- Mastery of all programming and foreign languages, prodigal with multiple intelligences (9+ See Gardener’s Theory)
Microcosmic Transmutation - Transmute lower level basal energies/desires towards your creative ideas and paradigm-shifting startups
Programmed only for the benefit of human advancement i.e. to serve others i.e. consciousness of Nikola Tesla etc.
Business acumen of the greatest entrepreneurial creative supergeniuses/inventors to be added etc.
– expression of 100 in working memory, sequencing and logical abilities, multi-tasking, fluid intelligence (ie IQ) + crystallized intelligence, auditory abilities, abstract reasoning and spatial awareness, numeracy and mathematical ability, focus and concentration, photographic memory videographic audiographic memory eidetic memory,etc.
A field item later to be added to sapien shop when it is possible of course!
Keep grinding to all of you entrepreneurs out there!!! And I will update attributes/description when needed.