Sapien Shop Ideas for the offing- Futurist Entrepreneurial Supergenius Morphic Field

Unicorn Morphic Field Item: Energy x Subconscious Ideation x Mindset

You can add sub fields like boosters of Glory x Unlimited Energy x SLR x CME x Wealth etc.
*Also for CME, can add Fluid Intelligence x Working Memory enhancement x ENPP6 x Superhuman Supergenius.

Morphic experience to help build startups valued at 1B+ = Unicorn
Unicorn: A startup valued at one billion dollars or more.


  • To help multi-billion dollar startups/companies, billion dollar/trillion dollar idea satori/afflatus/eureka insights from the subconscious mind.
    Certes, even multi-trillion dollar enterprises are now within the realm of possibility, having that AI and Cryptocurrency, Space Mining etc. are all industries altering the playing field/ growing exponentially.
  • Imagine if a field item like this could help someone like me using AI come up with a cure for Alzheimer’s, Cornavirus, or solve the broken education system!
  • Being able to work 120+ hour work weeks/ultimate productivity

*Renaissance Man- Mastery of all programming and foreign languages, prodigal with multiple intelligences (9+ See Gardener’s Theory)

  • Microcosmic Transmutation - Transmute lower level basal energies/desires towards your creative ideas and paradigm-shifting startups

  • Programmed only for the benefit of human advancement i.e. to serve others i.e. consciousness of Nikola Tesla etc.

  • Business acumen of the greatest entrepreneurial creative supergeniuses/inventors to be added etc.
    – expression of 100 in working memory, sequencing and logical abilities, multi-tasking, fluid intelligence (ie IQ) + crystallized intelligence, auditory abilities, abstract reasoning and spatial awareness, numeracy and mathematical ability, focus and concentration, photographic memory videographic audiographic memory eidetic memory,etc.

Unicorn Startups

A field item later to be added to sapien shop when it is possible of course!

Keep grinding to all of you entrepreneurs out there!!! And I will update attributes/description when needed.


well see
the art is great, no doubt
but a lot…………… is probably a copyright problem.

but for example,
this is the original image I started with for the forbidden body album

this is the one I worked on

Definitely way beyond copyright problems.
On the other hand, those beautiful images can get us into a bit of trouble


Okay let me find some fall-back artwork. I gotchu

Thank you for considering it Dream. You’re the best man.

I can also definitely see the contradistinction between the two haha betweenity. Figured it wouldn’t be good lol imbonity absence of good qualities with all the rabulistic legal trickery of copyright.


Will find more.

Free for commercial use and non-copyright.

What do you think?

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Hmmmm, residual energy in the photo?

Why do I feel ringing in my ear when looking at these pendants? Shouldn’t the field energy still be right?

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Hey Lorde Shadow

These pendants don’t have a morphic field, as they’re just for display for our @El_Capitan_Nemo to have a butchers with in the future process of making such field items.


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@El_Capitan_Nemo :hugs::yellow_heart:

I figured it out haha!!! UOVO DI COLOMBO

How about now what do you think? Let me know which ones you love and I will reedit them!!

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:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :tiger2: