Go forth!!..even includes the new subconscious limits removal tag.
The Steins
How did you all find the shop though?
I don’t think google would have analyzed and indexed it yet.
@Thomas found it from facebook
Thanks to our friends here.
And special thanks to you for the Loki Beer Stein. The cat who has adopted me will appreciate.
This makes me want to ask so many questions.
woooow i woke up like it was my birthday beautiful site!
You have enough credit in me to ask any question
I don’t know… I feel like I’m walking into a trap. So. The cat? Enjoys beer or watching you drink beer Or wants to find out what you might be like on Loki energy + beer. Maybe I want to find out too. Maybe not.
Odin though. I’ve got my eye on that one. Limits removal took priority for me.
Note to Everyone: Guys. Girls. We can finally expedite shipping on tags.
More that one, since he’s a Loki himself :))
You as a limitless Odin? I can picture that. Easily.
This shop is cool, really
Ohh So you can finally get on his page. Sounds just like a cat.
Does anybody know enough about german mythology to explain the difference of thor to Odin?
I know about thor’s energy from using the thor mandala and it’s very masculine / high testosterone behavior. Now Odin seems similar to me, so how do they differ ?
With Thor you can joke around and have fun, with Odin you must show absolute respect.
Even black magicians are terrified of Odin and dont work with him, except those who are of germanic ancestry and its more of a religion/magick thing.
Odin is serious
Mythological sites are waaaay off bro.
They are right when it comes to entities like Kitsune, but when it comes to Deities most is bs.
Direct pathworking with these beings will show you their true face.
these just give you the benefits of their energies though,
so no problem, of course it can make you aligned with them due to resonating with them.
But what I am curious about is, someone who buys all three then consumes the mixture.
An Aesir Alchemy.
I will add a freya one also maybe weekend.
Will freya also be useful for men without getting too feminine ?
hmm, I think it could be useful of course.
Hi @El_Capitan_Nemo, does one need to limit the amount of time the Subconscious Limits tag can be worn (due to say stress on the brain etc.?) Thanks
Also Dream, any new Gumroad audios in the making?
Great thanks. Freya and thor would be a cool combo as well ;)