Sapienmed Webinar 6/7 - 1 PM EST

And maybe collect questions before hand? That way you can kind of structure a flow on the first half and FFA on the back half.


There is no flow card after searching the forum, I don’t think it is part of Sapien Instagram card series either. Can you elaborate which one? Booster Sigil? Thank you.

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The Flow Card is part of the Book of the Cards. It’s only fully fielded in the hardback version. The Book of Cards by Dreamweaver. You want the one that links to Lulu.


Thank you very much for your explanation.

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Yeah that’s a good idea :call_me_hand:


Killer of spontaneity :wink:


would anyone be willing to record the next one and post it ? thanks :pray:


Good idea, but depends on whether Sammy approves.


Also a problem of where to host it/uploading it, the last one was 4 or 5 hours long

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Even youtube unlisted works.

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I realized I’d summed up the uploading as “where to host it”…. I suppose you could screen grab at 50%, still a huge file and horrendous quality, but the convos should be clear enough

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Idk what you mean exactly. But got a different idea. If it’s even possible.

One records it and then make transcription and give to AI to summarize it.


that might be doable, do any of the current transcription AIs do voice recognition well?

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Idk rly, it’d be pretty important to distinguish between Sammy, Dream and others. But haven’t tried it, that was just a thought, which doesn’t rly seem any far-fetched to me.

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I’ve used with audio based AI’s, they will record, do transcript processing and speaker identification



We are counting on you. :slight_smile:

Really? I left few mins after 3 hrs, damn I missed 2hrs :frowning:

I don’t approve of recording them. Yes, lots of amazing things get shared and sometimes, I wish it was recorded myself but…

I like how we are all able to be so honest and transparent with eachother. Some of us share some really deep things that are probably best not publicized anywhere. And I’d prefer people to continue having that kind of openness to share the kinds of things they share.


That’s fair :slight_smile:

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@SammyG what do you think about this idea, where the questions from people may be pretty much left out.