Sapien Medicine’s Lucid dream audio is gone and I’m wondering is he gonna reupload it or Is it removed for real?
Welcome to the club, good sire.
The napkins to wipe your tears, can be found on the shelf, located on your right.
sad, Oh Thanks for the welcome :<
Sad indeed.
We honor lucid dreaming v1 every sunday 9am. Offer some cookies and thank it for its services etc.
Sensei is working in version 2, so all we need is wait or bombard with requests ( reminder) so it moves up to the list
Welcome @RandomAnonymous,
Personal formula while waiting for the new Lucid audio:
Pietersite + Quasi Crystal + upgraded Lucid Dreaming card.
Upgraded? Is this something different than the Lucid Dreaming card on Instagram & in the Book of Cards, or are those “upgraded”?
Thats the one that is upgraded, its not a new card
I did not know that, thanks.
All the cards are upgraded btw, not just “lucid” dreaming.
I did not even know there was a Lucid Dreaming Audio on Youtube by senpai , Now that I know Please let me enter the Lucid Dream V2 Cry Club
Welcome to the Club, please bring any members that you may know, it will let Captain know that it’s a wanted field by many
I will partner !
If anyone finds some new research about lucid dreaming, make sure to drop it here or send to Captain.
You should see this one about the OBE it gets induced by stimulating a crucial spot the temporoparietal junction, or TPJ, in the right hemisphere, where the temporal lobe and the parietal lobe meet. Funny enough it happens in right hemisphere
Here is the old field from Dale it had 3 main fields on the tag and it seemed to worked quite well for those who had it
I dont understand why he wont put this on a tag.
Maybe its difficult on sound but this on a tag is perfect.
Perhaps it’s time to bother only a teensy bit @El_Capitan_Nemo and see if there is any updates, you know like you did in the beginning lololol
Edit: Here is a study with a lot of info
Yeah but in the beginning of my bothering I forgot about this old lucid dreaming one
Pretty much all thats needed no?
Lucidity: While it may sound strange, Lucid dreaming is really only the activation of the Prefrontal lobe during the dream state. By getting the body and brain to excite this area (at the very front of the brain, this is the area that allow for instant focus on current events, what is happening around you at the moment.) as you enter a REM state, you will be having a lucid dream.
All this field does is note what your current mental state is, and apply excitation to the prefrontal lobe when your brain makes a shift into dreaming. It works so well that even a deep relaxed “daydream” can trigger the effects, which in turn (due to one of the smaller fields I am not even bothering to list here) will trigger a REM-like (not a true dream) condition!
Dream-Focus: Since dreaming itself is generally a subconscious activity that is perceived by a small portion of the conscious mind, engaging more conscious control is needed to influence or take over a dream fully. The right frontal lobe needs to be active in conjunction with the pre-frontal lobe for this to really have effect.
This field puts active control in the hands of your normal daily imagination (though you are not truly conscious in a full sense, you will have the awareness and the ability to control what things, concepts or ideas are brought into the dream.) and lets you guide your dreams in a fashion that you will find pleasant and to your liking.