Sapienshop is Closed

No doubt Captain but arranging funds in such short time would be a challenge lol.


You are not helping and just rubbing it in the face of members here. Eternal is the most expensive public NFT ever created by Captain.

Most would want to buy a copy for themselves and their family before thinking of making profits off it when the store goes down. Just like in life you have to play the cards youā€™re dealt.


Also Prestige and Grandeur/Sword of Destiny and Luscious Tresses!


Also have to take into account of Monetary Restrictions if you are outside US/Europe, Paypal Services are Very Restricted/There is transfer limit/daily limit, some services donā€™t work at all, lot of hoops to jump to get anything, people may give up on Epic expensive fields due to these reasons as well!


I wish there were workarounds when it comes to Paypal to be honest, makes life easier!


Buying works for me too, only after 10k Hooping around, constantly visiting the bank to get checked, 10k hours after Paypal support!! basically makes you want to listen to the Mental Health Album or Project Mental Health NFT! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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If I would be a Billion dollar heavy rich person, I would simply contact Dream directly and offer him to finance any and all projects he wishes to see realized in the world and which he hold dear to his heart, if he makes fields for me directly. I would not chase after buying some NFTs from someone.

The only way your idea would work is if I would introduce the rich person to fields without telling them that their are from Sapien Medicine or that they are even fields in the first place. Because the rich person isnā€™t clueless either, a quick internet research and a few private detectives hired will quickly figure out where these magic audios are coming from. Not even to mention that super rich people are highly connected with having friends in politics and intelligence services, i.e. you will not be able to keep the ā€œsecret of magical audiosā€ a secret for long. The rich person will quickly figure out and then probably do what I wrote in the first sentence.

And then also, first and foremost, most people donā€™t have the mindset to manifest a super rich person into their lives in the first place, where they would be able to offer it to someone like that.

Just sharing some thoughts about your idea.


Its not unreasonable imo. 50-100 would be like 37 - 74k. With the discount 30-60k?
I wish I already was some crypto genius, then I might do it.


The NFT technology will not be around forever. If Venly closing its market doesnā€™t tell you somethingā€¦


Unless the civilization starts collapsing, itā€™ll still be here, some changes there may be, but still.


I disagree. When markets close, then companies will also look at, is it worth our money to support the Wallets. But whatever. Iā€™ve seen a lot come and go. It has been my chief concern from the beginning.


Could be a reason why Captain is also steering away from it


Well, can have a backup plan or something if it gets to that with help of Dream, maybe proof of ownership can turn them into Digital Mandalas without Wallets if it gets to that? Surely we can do something, like many have like 20+ NFTs!

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Companies may stop, but blockchains and cryptos will stay. After all, cryptos are rising, not falling.

You got just one case, one company, but there are many.


Nah, Iā€™d doubt this to be the reason.

He has other ones.

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I donā€™t think (or at least I hope) wallets are going anywhere


Every blockchain has operating expenses, i.e. someone has to run it and finance the electricity and the servers behind it. If a certain blockchain would become unprofitable at some point, there is a the risk of it no longer being supported.

The NFTs you personally buy for you will work forever, since you are their owner. But the blockchain technology of Polygon or Matic might no longer be there one day and then you would not be able to sell and transfer your hoarded tokens.


I mean not the sole reason of course but could be part of it

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Iā€™m just conscious of sewing FOMO here, and enticing people to overextend themselves financially.

I donā€™t think Anon is helping.


One day maybe. But I donā€™t rly see any signs of this happening anytime soon, aside of just venly cutting down.

I donā€™t see why the popularity of Cryptos and NFTs would start collapsing soon.