Sapienshop is Closed

You said with confidence as if u have asked him. Perhaps ask him and see, otherwise we heard other reasons, and till we know more, better to stick with those instead of speculations.


There’s a difference between buy what you need now, because the store is closing, vs. buying multiple copies you cant afford as a speculative investment. This is just the crusty old guy who’s been working in finance for 25 years so take it for what it’s worth.


You cannot have Eternal and other and “be old” :smiley:

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You’re right, edited my comment to not confuse people


Possibly, I can assure you over the last 10 years of using fields, I still look like I’ve aged. But my lifestyle choices are not always the best.


Blockchain tech in general is here to stay.
But certain specific blockchains might become unprofitable in the future and cease to exists.
Or if we get quantum computers, we will see a whole new level of blockchains completely replacing the old ones.

Which is also the main reason why I believe Bitcoin will fail in the end. Once it will be no longer profitable to mine and keep the blockchain alive because of its electricity costs (that equal those of a whole country), then it will no longer be reasonable to make any transactions in it or hoard it. When this happens, owning and maintaining Bitcoin will be a like a negative interest rate.

Some people might still do it and keep it, just like they buy property. Most of privately purchased property is in reality a net negative interest rate and most people don’t realize this because they buy it for emotional reasons and poor math skills. But that’s a whole different story.


Blockchain is here to stay and I hope companies will think of new ways to harness energy without taxing the environment. Whether NFTs will be there forever or not no one knows.

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Yeah, but also Dream is psychic, he may try choosing the most safe and stable blockchain :slight_smile:

Or perhaps, we might slide back into tags.

And the tags market, lol


Yea but the person investing will not see returns for a very long time, Captain’s NFTs will be priceless in the future no doubt, but would the person wait till then? Our secondary market is no way close to a trading a financial product on an exchange. This will be more like selling art through auctions. :smiley:


The crazy thing is that most people actually DO NOT start asking at all.

They don’t want to know because their subconscious filters of “impossible” and “I am not worthy of this” PREVENT them from seeing the solution and wanting to learn more about it.

Most people do not question anything, they just accept things as they are and as they are presented to them.

Which is the reason why less than 1% of the Sapien Med YouTube channel subscribers make it into this forum:

“Oh I see this YouTube field works. I am gonna use it because it works but I will not try to understand how and why and where I can learn more about it.”

This is the logic and unconscious self-sabotage of most people!


Goals of people change I have seen people losing interest in NFTs they sought before, it is hard to know which NFT you would need at some point in the future only exception being health and wealth because as humans we can’t live without both.

If any people should go for health and wealth NFTs blindly if making profits in the future is something they are looking for and at this point I want couple of more Eternal copies nothing else lol.


This is true, most think it’s a sub channel also.

Yes they do not question or think too far about it.


Most people do not start asking questions.
Even when an UFO lands in their garden.
Instead, most people come up with all types of crazy internal explanations, rationalizations and mental acrobatics for what they just have observed.
They think they already know what they have observed because it cannot be any other way for them, because they are “rational adults” who “already know how the world works” lol.
Their own explanation in their own head will have more validity for them than yours.
Introducing people to fields is hard work that takes time.
You have to open those people up spiritually and mentally.


Yea man but the challenge is funds lol

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The thing is, you cannot say whether this is true or not, UNTIL you actually understand how something works.

How can you know how long it will take for you to maybe also be able create your own fields, when you never explored the concept of “fields” in the first place?

Our natural curiosity and desire to learn more and explore things is what enables us to create new things in the first place. First, you need to “want to know” and then on the way of learning about it, you discover everything else.


They were defenetly the Angels that interceded for the Installment payment

Today I have purchased Tejas NFT and Paypal did not offer me the feature of 1/3 1/3 1/3 :joy:


But doesn’t the banking system and most states’ governements have so much money, that they could insta-buy all the available mainstream coins, including Bitcoin, Solana etc.? :thinking:

The crypto market is like kids trading Pokemon cards between each other with their pocket money – until Jeff Bezos comes in and insta-buys all of them, and puts them all away…

Bitcoin’s market capitalization is only 1.34 Trillion €.

If one day, a goverment wants to take over Bitcoin, they don’t even need to pass laws or block the trade between crypto and fiat, they can simply buy it all up and be in full control.


Someone made me discover Sapien Medicine from an another forum where people are used to troll every time they can, everyone was so unserious but SOMETIMES people were giving very valuable informations, it was really the least probable place possible for me to discover about SM. It was extreme luck and I saw the message about SM like 2 minutes before the topic was deleted and the guys would be lost forever, I immediately PM the person to know more about what he was talking about, he was claiming that by listening to audios it was possible to grow like 10cm, it made me curious.

He gave me links to the Youtube channel.

I had 2 choices :

  • Being close minded and assuming it was trolling as always and just ignore what he said, there were every reason not to believe it.

  • Being open minded and giving it a try by myself, “it can be true or not, if it’s true nice, if it’s wrong then whatever, no hasty conclusions before testing it myself”.

I took the second path, tested some hormonal and mental health fields, they worked instantly on me, it made me registering in the forum afterwards after some time of just consuming Youtube content and it was probably one of the best choice in my life.

It’s true, we can’t really blame people to not believe in it, what is sad is mostly people that don’t even try it themselves even after they had the chance to know about Sapien Medicine, everything needed to be healthy physically and mentally is free. It’s easier to reject anything that comes out, that’s why it’s difficult to have conversation with people now without them telling you, you are crazy.


I think it would seem to people that you/we are crazy because we have long forgotten that the psychic (not sure if I am using the correct word here) is also a part of us.


Yeah i have also discovered it randomly with a guy that was getting a lot of shitstorm for posting Subconscius Limit Removal, the one with the Vitriuvian Man.

I came for the music, I stayed for the effects ahahha