Sapienshop is Closed

I tried on mobile as well the transaction is still not going through, wonder what paypal is up to.

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What message does it come for you? ā€œTransaction declinedā€?

Yeah, itā€™s getting impossibly slow by now. Iā€™m starting to worry about thisā€¦


copies of Eternal? :smiley:


I purchased Angelic Intercession but after 7 hours still nothingā€¦

me too

It more likely the solana chains fault.

I went to check around a bit maybe they are getting meme coin mint spammed (like in the thousands making the chain slow) so itā€™s probably going to take awhile. Iā€™m waiting at around 20 hours now.

Remember theyā€™re using another personā€™s integrated service and it might be entirely beyond their control.

Solana seems fine for now. I think itā€™s the singles dot xyz being slow.

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Indeedā€¦ I planned to get two nfts, but now the first one is still not minted yet. Iā€™m holding off the purchase of the other nft because of this unusually long delay. It used to take no more than half a day.


No error even after payment the page of pay with paypal stays, I get a confirmation that transaction was made from my bank and after few mins the transaction gets reversed.

Me too. @SammyG

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It could be paypal glitch or merchant site but my bank thought the merchant was suspicious and was not letting the transactions to go through. I had to tell them it is a safe merchant and that I bought many products in the past.

Finally it worked on the mobile, bought Eternal and two more NFTs. Iā€™m done now.



just wondering, can you mint your purchased NFTs? I have trouble to mint smart slayer for 1 day already.

me too

No, havenā€™t received any mail with the audio link nor to claim the NFT.

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Just to concur with you all Iā€™m also experiencing delays with minting. Iā€™ve been waiting over 24 hours for some nft which i bought yesterday. Was planning on a couple more for my parents while Iā€™m visiting with them until tommorow.

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It feels like the shop took a weekend off. If so, I hope everything will work on Monday. Also, if anyone has the opportunity, please ask your servitors to resolve this problem :grinning:

ā€¦and after 24 hours nothing

Darn, iā€™m still considering the Eternalā€¦ Iā€™m doubting now even to buy it :slight_smile: with all issues ongoing.


I think it is not just sapienstore but all other similar stones hosted on the site would be gone as well that is why there is so much of delay as others may be buying products from other stores.