Sapienshop is Closed

Just played Alien intercession to ask for help. Hope this gets solved soon :crossed_fingers:t3:


Lets hope phantom doesn’t cut off :sweat_smile:

I got The Jedi Temple more than 24hrs ago and it is still “minting”, hope this gets solved soon!


I purchased Dragon Bone Armor more than 24 hours ago and it is still minting

I searched this forum about minting in progress and found out that The Sapien Shop is closing!

Hence I have purchased every NFT I had planned to buy throughout the year. I hope that enough time will be given to finish minting and transferring the NFTs!!!

These are the NFTs I purchased and it is very important that I get them into my wallet:
Dragon Bone Armor
Attract Love
The Eternal
Angelic Intercession ++
The Unexpected
Astrologically Inclined
The Tapasya of Savitur
The Karma Crucible
The Ascension-naut
Cosmic Intercession
Flight to Fight
The Merry Maker
Ego Diss +
P and R Dentistry
Knight Warrior Mindset

Minting and Transferring to wallet has never taken more than 24 hours before. I purchased all these NFTs while there is 3 more days left. I never expected The Sapien Shop to be closing all of a sudden this year. I only just found out. I am not even sure how long the minting and transferring will take.

To be fair, I hope there will be enough time given for minting and transferring of all NFTs purchased.


Wanted to reask and see if there was a definitive answer to this.

On another point, I purchased the corpus spiritus tarot deck. Which as I understood includes a way to print out the cards. It’s been 48 hours with “mint in progress” and yet to receive subject- “your downloads are ready” email.

So also kind of like a notice for anyone planning for the 8th or later.


The terrible thought is that what if the delay is more than 48 hours


I wonder what’s the max waiting time.

Perhaps there should be some time before shutting down the order option and complete shop close.

Nothing can be done at this point. When the official store closing date has come, a better assessment can be made.


The shop itself is not involved in the minting.

It is :100: percent the work of single and the network.

The store closing will not speed up or slow down the minting.
There are no ties other than the store validating the transaction.

At the end we shall wait to see how the minting goes and if refunds are needed etc.
In the meanwhile you can contact single music directly, because all I can do is refund.
It does not wipe the transaction tho and your nft still gets minted regardless.

So let us please wait a few days so I do not have to refund your items.
(Which you can imagine is a loss for me as you still actually get the nft).


Okay, that’s great to know


That’s great news
Thanks :herb::earth_africa::call_me_hand::sunny::sparkles::mountain_snow::sparkles::blossom::cloud::ocean::heart::herb:đŸ«¶ :dolphin::wind_face::crossed_swords:


But there is still a need to transfer the NFTs after minting is completed.

I contacted Single Music to ask if NFTs and downloads can still be claimed after the shop closes. I hope the answer is yes, otherwise please disable the shopping cart on 10 July but keep the shop online for a few more days for all minting and transferring of NFTs to be completed. It would be much better than refunds. After all, it is the NFTs we want to claim that is more important than the money.

If Single Music is able to provide a way to claim NFTs and downloads after the shop closes, well then all is solved.


Keeping the site up to allow these last purchases to mint and transfer to wallet (while disabling further sales after the 10th) would be a lifesaver.

Maybe any remaining store items can be put on a password lock after the 10th or something as this issue gets resolved


so i am not alone then. Paypal has been charged successfully though.

I guess i will wait then. Thanks for your reply.


It’s single’s fault.

And well the “NFT” is already working so quite unfair for refunds. (same as with the spring venly days lol)

It’s just accessing the audio downloads

But it does help as suggested to have the store up as precautionary measures but blocking purchases. But I understand if the renewal happens to be on the 10th then maybe you wouldn’t want to do so.


NO. The NFT does NOT work fully without using the audios or images. I have used many of Sapien’s NFTs and that is the way they should work. Using the audio or image clearly activates an NFT. Simply possessing an NFT is NOT meant to fully activate it. The audios and images gives users the choice of EXACTLY WHEN to full activate and use an NFT and EXACTLY WHEN to deactivate it.

Some NFTs have cloaking abilities, some NFTs have attention attracting abilities. The use of audios and images serve as fullproof ways for full activation or deactivation. Simply possessing an NFT is not meant to fully activate it.

The NFT still needs to be claimed and transferred to wallet after minting. The claim link is sent via “The Sapien Shop”. After the NFT is transferred to wallet successfully, there would be a page to download the NFT image and audio. If the NFT claim email from single music can still be sent after the shop closes, then everything should be fine.

We just need 2 things if minting completes after shop closes:

  1. A means to claim the NFT and transfer it to our wallet (Hopefully can be provided by Single Music)

  2. A means to download the NFT image (full sized version) and audio that usually comes on the page after the NFT is claimed (Hopefully can be provided by Single Music or Sapienmed)

i can gratefully confirm that i buyed a nft now no minting no wallet and printed its mandala and it is working as mine no probs. the only issue may be downloading the audio. but this can be resolved.

thanksss! for the nftsss.


Yes seems to be working now :))


Yes! Getting NFTs after 3 days waiting feels even better :partying_face: