Sapienshop is Closed

everyone values things differently man. its on the buyer if they wanna pay that much or not . nothing wrong with pricing it higher in my opnion

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In the future when more and more people will learn about Captain’s work and join the community then they will be desperate to get all these NFTs, then every NFT will be sold at a very high price, we will just have to wait and see when it will happen.

So people who are selling Eternal now may probably wish they held onto their copies for longer.


I understand that fully. I don’t want to sell some of my nfts too even if I would get a great offer, because I use them actively and have a connection to them

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This will probably be the case. The NFTs will probably tires like wine

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Indeed, and with changing priorities and goals people could give away other NFTs but not health NFTs so the price can reach the blue sky.


Priorities will change but everyone needs health, so I understand your point and it fully makes sense


Well, let’s not pretend and try to make look ourselves too fancy. There is always an “element of greed” in it, sometimes a lot.

But since we are on the subjective plane, it’s not rly reasonable to go point fingers, pressure ppl, and slowly devolve into lynching. Remember, it’s by far not the only occurrence of that.

Many times, ppl have valid reasons even when not expected.

But I find funny one thing. I saw way many ppl complaining about “too high prices” or making faces, but most of them then had way higher prices than any other ppl. Sometimes, it’s just rly funny to watch.

And then when people sell for low prices, it’s mostly bcs of urgent needs. So overall, I would just leave the thing at that in the market, we all pursue our own interests.

Well, you weren’t specific in that post.

Morals of prices are very subjective. I myself wasn’t in the prior posts discussing the “morality” of prices, just found it unlikely that with Eternal, it’d work like that. I’d rather consider copies of the Hair nft, it might seem like ppl are much more interested in pretty hair than strong robust health.


It is quite natural, people want to buy NFTs for a very low price but want to sell their NFTs at a very high price. We can’t blame anybody lol.


Well, as long as it isn’t hypocritical, I see no issue with it :smiley:



if it’s hypocritical I don’t see any issue neither! all I know is those that held the passcode power, don’t have that power anymore. serves certain individuals right for abusing it! Scooby and death stroke Scooby showing their proper respect for the end of this era #Scooby Dooby Doo!

i cant believe i didn’t see this discount code -__-

I hope you didn’t buy for the full price when it was 22 percent off.

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That is exactly what i did

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Could be an indicator of subconscious financial self-sabotage.

The vendor clearly decided with his free will to offer the products with a discount, i.e. provide the same value for less money.

So “wealth energetically” speaking, you get “more for less” in the transaction.

If you still somehow unconsciously decided to not “receive more for less”, despite the discount having being mentioned several times here now, then this indicates that your conscious perception of the availability of the discount was removed by your subconscious mind from your perception.

Your conscious perception of things is almost completely based on what your Subconscious Mind let’s you see and perceive according to its belief system.

Just mentioning this mechanism as this is a common self-sabotage theme.


sure this is possible

i def didnt see the code consciously lol, maybe neither conscious saw it

it is a little annoying, the one time i decide to spend this much was when a discount was offered

i’m not fussed considering the original price was probably thoughtfully set by captain and the value far exceeds that price


The link takes to some random page advertising something in Indian Rupees now.

I tried to access one of my orders on the phone - and got taken to this what looks like a spam page.

Does this mean now the shop is closed we will be unable to access the order links to redownload audios etc?


Yes, exactly.
That was announced a month ago.


Where does it say no access to previous purchases?

Maybe I missed it, but I had a look but can only see they’ll no longer be for sale.

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The same happened to soundweaver site when it closed. You have to save the audio files since they became unaccessible after the shop’s closure.