Sapienshop is Closed

In 100 years time so it’s exclusive to the users of the 2.0 :smirk:


Nah, F them,

progress is progress, man,

and grind isn’t grind without risks. :smiley:

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But it is not going to come, Captain made it very clear right.

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Yeh, I know, we had one conversation or two about it already.

Just would be funny.

And also not completely impossible, going off experiences.

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I just meant situations and motivations change. People sell all sorts of things.

Yes, I know, I was simply connecting something else to it.

Ofc, they will. They might get 100% health already or wanna get something else or other expenses.

I’m in the market for quite some time :grin:

There’s a fair number of Eternal type paths available—mentioned in this forum— besides that one particular NFT. People should widen their thinking on this.

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Goodbye, NFTs! I snatched a couple of interesting ones (my collection ain’t grand, but I do have: The Divine Voice, The Sauvage, Karma Crucible, Shielding 3.0, Prestige and Grandeur, Attract Love Special Edition, and I fully intend to hold on to them for at least the next year or so, depends on how awesome results I’ll get). Onto new horizons!

Although, personally, I was never that big a fan of this particular system and I’m happy for the new Guild idea. :smiley:

At least there’s a bunch of NFTs around that have actual value. :wink:

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all are valuable, just not for everyone. but everyone can find value in most of them


Totally agree. The market values of various Sapien Medicine NFTs can be all over the place, but their actual value remains.


There was a hint that some NFTs might be made in the future. The era is over, though.



RIP Sapien Shop :handshake: :pray: :muscle:


End of an era


I would see this as funny karma tbh


Lol me too

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Why tho?

Why would be investing inherently bad?

After all, Dream said he wanted to give more space to secondary market, so in a way, he even encouraged that.

After all, investing would bring the possibility of having Eternal to more people, it’s a plus after all, so yeah, they might deserve some profit. I’m not here to justify any price like 7000, but in essence, you get my point, it’s a work and plus after all.


Yes, I do. With funny karma I meant people that want to sell it for 5 times the original price or something similar. If they want to sell it to make some profit, I can understand that, like buying eternal for 800 and sell it for 1200 or higher. But as you said the prices that are way too expensive (like 7000 in your example) for them I find it a little bit funny (but of course I don’t want to wish them anything bad, everyone like he wants).

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I hope it diesnt sound rude or anything like that, maybe I wrote some sentences wrong