Sator Square

UPDATE (on my immediately previous post):

I just realized that The Devil sits outside my situation…which tells me that the Sator Square will work as intended.

Here’s a view of the entire reading…



a day to remember for sure,
hope everyone had a great time, it was like when we had those galactic trips, wasn’t that fun?


Yes, I strengthened my refresh finger and I learned how to be cool and calm while the energy swirled around! It WAS fun! That’s the joy of group interaction at its finest. :slight_smile: :rofl:


I can’t believe I actually managed to get a copy of this NFT.
First I arrived home late but still had hope that maybe just maybe I might be lucky and Dream hadn’t yet posted the link. :crossed_fingers: It took ages for my laptop to boot up and when it finally did guess what I had no internet!!! When the internet finally came back on you guys were will having drama with the link which thank God worked in my favour. Another thing I should mention is that I recently had my hard drive wiped clean and this removed all my passwords and saved data. I discovered this when I was trying to buy the Financial Freedom NFT last week and realised that the false address I had used in the past to purchase audios from TeeSprings was no longer there :astonished: (TeeSprings doesn’t do delivieries to Botswana so won’t let me make a purchase using my home address, hence I use a false American address) At the time I thought it wouldn’t be a big deal I would just enter another false address except it wasn’t as easy as that, this time they also wanted a telephone number and it picked up that the false number I had typed in wasn’t matching my address and so wouldn’t move on over to the checkout page :angry: this all took place during the Financial Freedom group purchase so even though I was panicking like crazy I also I knew I had a little bit extra time before the NFT sold out and quickly messaged a friend to ask for help and thank God for the awesome people on this Forum my friend was able to help me.

I knew that during this purchase I would have an extremely small window in which to make my purchase and would need some extra help so I then picked up the mandalas of my 4 favourite NFTs that I am currently working with and spread them out before me and then touched each one of them and thanked them and asked them to please assist me in purchasing the Sator NFT. And then like the rest of you I sat waiting with bated breath for Dream to post the new link. And what happens as I click the link? the frigging internet slows down and I have this blue spinning circle in the middle of the screen :anguished: the TeeSprings page finally opens and I click 1 copy…nothing happens …after several clicks I get to the address page and type in a new address and what not but it still wont move to the next page … now what?? oh telephone number, quickly type that in and finally get to the checkout counter only to discover that after all that clicking I had like 4 NFT’s in my cart :flushed: nope can’t afford that!! okay lets modify my order…lots of clicking…panicking like crazy and guess what the next page asks me to fill in all my details all over again!!! :persevere: In my mind I am picturing Black Friday sales and that people are literally taking the Sator NFT out of my cart as I am typing in this frigging address…lots of more clicking and I blazed through checkout on route to PayPal only to panic again as this time it my virus protector first had to do its thing …lots of finger and toe tapping going on during all of this :roll_eyes: … by now I am thinking to myself okay if I am now on my way to PayPal the sale must have gone through right? I mean it’s not like they will remove it from my cart while I wait for access to PayPal? …finally PayPal opens up and I get a major shock at what I have to pay in my currency :scream: with all that clicking and pages hanging it turns out I hadn’t removed them all and now had two NFT’s in my cart!! What now? I knew that if I went back to square one there wouldn’t be any left and so I had no other option but to buy both copies. :woman_shrugging: I am in awe at how everything played out today and that after all the delays, no internet, slow internet, wrong addresses, etc. etc. I still managed to get a copy! I am really and truly am a very lucky lady!! Thank you so much Dream!!! :hugs: :heart:


So I think what I’m hearing is @Jennyfire caused all of the issues we were having…or at least her guardians had a hand in it.


Lol it wasn’t me :rofl: :rofl:


You’ve just thrown a mega sator square there. It was really fun to read :rofl:


So if this field carries the powers of misdirection and confusion that we can apply in our lives, then this can potentially be a lifesaving NFT in dangerous situations, if I understand this correctly…

The craziness surrounding this drop makes me think that this is an especially powerful field. I’m very interested to see how folks here work with this one


If it is alright, may someone post either here or PM me the photo? I forgot how it looks even lol (unless it’s the first pic?)


It should show up in your e-mail after u purchased it. U should get (within a few hours) a small one.
Look at post 192-193 for the good image (posted by the Captain)


It is the first picture in this thread. Let me know if you’d like me to post the HD version.

Please do thanks

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Here you go!

Let me know if you have any issues…I’m doing this on an iPad so media fire may behave differently. We’ll see.


It worked.

Thank you!


Having trouble with this.
Is this version 13,931KB? - thats the version I already have

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Sorry to hear that. Let me try again…

Hopefully this one works better?

Otherwise, I can post it from my laptop in the morning :woman_shrugging:

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Yes, the same.


OK thanks, thats the version I already have from post # 192-193 (from the Captain)

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Lmao this whole thread was funny reading :rofl:

A rollercoaster of emotions.


I was running a red light right in front of 2 police guys but I had no idea.
Only when I came home, my friend text me asking if I was caught by the police. He was riding along with me, we were on the way home after the new Fantastic Beast movie.
I thought the light was green :rofl: My mind must have slipped for a moment.
I guess the Sator just saved my ass, I might have been invisible to them somehow, or they might be confused whether to catch me or not, maybe I was just lucky :rofl: