Saving you time

This is for the ones that are like how I was for quite some time. This may save you some time that you won’t waste no more. I’m going to explain as best as I can. So a lot of people (including myself till recently) think “spirituality” or being “spiritual” is an act of meditation or doing this or that. No! I’m starting to realize it is much more than that. It doesn’t matter if you meditate 3 hours a day using fields after fields 24/7. Spirituality from what I’m starting to see it as it’s the breakthrough of the physical limitations to our true self if that makes sense. I’m realizing nothing here matters besides breaking through these physical limitations and connecting with our higher self. These physical limitations/experiential loops are to hold us back and stop us from knowing who we truly are. We need to break free from the limitations/loops to advance. Here’s 2 examples.

  1. You don’t like that your a woman so you decide to “change” that. This is a limitation to the physical as genders don’t truly exist.

  2. You leave a certain religion because that religion doesn’t satisfy you anymore. You feel that there may be more to life so you leave the church. Your family shuns you and cuts you off and says unless you come back your done with us. They want you to conform. Again another limitation

There are many limitations and loops. We need to realize what they are and put them to an end. They key is to gain as much control over the physical as we can which causes us to be as our soul instead of the body if that makes sense. Many live for the body and not the soul. The fear of death for example is of the body as the body knows it is mortal but the soul is immortal. Just know everything is for experience and have trust in yourself!




“Water can shape, it can crash, be water my friend”
-Bruce Lee

I might not have worded that fully correct but that is what he says lol. He was a very wise soul. Most likely a final incarnation


Become 1 with it all.


Physical its just an aspect of reality, I have never really felt identified with how I look or my body ever since it was very clear to me its not who I am. Being spiritual? Existence is spiritual, the goal is to realize your true nature which you are a being of infinity love consciousness sharing that light and love with the whole existence. So being spiritual is becoming Intune with the true nature of reality see the divine and love in all things, and emit that love with all the power and soul in your heart. See the love in all broads of life and let that joy and ecstasy, and radiate this with as much power as you can. Empty your mind and cultivate love with as much as intensity, this two elements is what makes the universe consciousness and infinity love. Being spiritual, is seen the path to your highest potential which is love.


I would say that most women like being women, although there are limitations, with being human, regardless of genders.

Personally, indeed, I see spiritually as being a process of breaking free, but not necessarily in a physical sense, although that is ok too, but more in a mental and internal process, growing, knowing thyself and others, and being more at peace, above all, internally - although I won’t deny the external world, and it’s needs, yet the rebellious element, to break free from this or that, that is programming too, since you wanna break free from what?

You are one with all that it is anyway.

Anyway, this is my current interpretation/view.

Edit: Yes, limitations are not good, since growing means that you see those limitations, often imposed by society, conditioning, childhood and family, DNA - which is inherited programming, old subconscious limiting beliefs, etc., you see them and naturally want to evolve, to choose newer, better programming, compatible with your current self - yes, it’s natural.