Science says everything is energy but since when?

I’m curious if anyone here did any research on mainstream science saying everything is energy. This seems to have been used for the first time after Swami Vivekananda visited US and more so after someone who had read or was aware of Tesla’s works as Tesla attended Swami Vivekananda’s lectures and was very impressed by them.

The new age movement seems to have started from early 1900s after a series of books published which has teachings of Yoga and this sentence “everything is energy” comes up often in different shapes and forms. One can only assume and deduce that all the authors who published those books must have been influenced by Swami Vivekanand’s lectures on Yoga.

So, when did science start saying everything is energy?


Yeah it would likely be around the time of the spiritual revolution that it was most widely said. However it depends on who you call a scientist. the east has said reality is fundamentally energy or consciousness for centuries through the concept of maya. some pre-enlightenment scientists believed in god and did science to realize the full nature of him. t


Yea but it is very interesting that the idea that everything is energy based on just two individuals has been faithfully carried over the decades so much so that science didn’t challenge nor set up experiments to prove.

May be with the quantum mechanics people accepted it as a fact more than before.


Energy in a scientific context and energy in an esoteric context don’t quite refer to the same thing. As far as I know, subtle energy is not scientifically measurable. Scientific vocabulary is often adopted to back spiritual theories but while analogies may be occasionally relevant, in many cases it’s just meant to persuade people because if it’s “science”, who is going to question it?


Agree, wonder what Tesla thought about energy in the context everything is energy.


great question, it’s used everywhere and I’ve never seen anyone explain it :sob:

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That is why I have requested this, too bad Captain announced no more requests.

gotta spam wisdom of the dying lol

You likely refer to mass-energy equivalence, observations that mass can be converted into energy and vice versa led to series of discoveries that described principles of how this interaction happens. Einstein was the one who first described it mathematically.

Note that 100-120 years ago scientific thought was far less influenced by USA. Europe was in the lead. Germany, England, France.

Why shouldn’t it hold universally? The principle is sound from common sense and in a way it was analyzed, described and studied holds at a finest levels of particles.

It’s important to avoid conflating experiences of individual that are measured by means of body, that are very rough and finite from what actually can and can’t be measured and understood. Humans exist in a very small, relatively cool, not quite varying volume, from the standpoint of universe, even Earth itself is far less explored that people might think. Projecting experiences from the environment where they happened is a way to create illusions.

Genetics was discovered initially as just laws or rules how features are inherited without any concept of genes, yet this didn’t stop it from being valid, genes predicted and then discovered, although they were thought to be only imaginary explanation by many or at least something that can’t be detected.

Mathematics routinely studies objects that even if they exist somehow wouldn’t be perceivable by human cognition, yet their properties are understood, analysed and known.



Science themselves do NOT know what “Energy” actually is LMAO.
They just use the term as a placeholder to describe a set of phenomena.