Searching for Bobbie

I have encountered you a couple of times now in other worlds. I seem to warp in right after you do. If you are conscious of it, as I am, tell me what you remember.


It sounds intersing! :star_struck::star_struck::star_struck::pray:t3::pray:t3::pray:t3:


No drugs (other than cannabinoids), but some of the trippiest experiences of my life. Whoever she is, that woman can kick a Russian division’s ass all by herself! (This is an exaggeration, maybe, but only just.)


Brother, are you saying that a woman is appearing to you in the astral plane? or in another dimension?

Is @SorcerySupreme in love? :raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::innocent::innocent::innocent::heart::heart::heart:

Not quite. This is more of a kick ass and take names kind of situation. A bit of awe, maybe.


Omg!!! :raised_hands:t3::innocent::heart: Thats great my friend!!!

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So, randomly, I just got a notification that this post had gotten 25 likes. This was the first time I met Bobbie.

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Update for anyone who cared: I’ve been talking to her for days now. Shit got realer. And weirder.

Edited to add, not in my head.

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Do you currently live in our 3D reality?

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That’s an interesting question and it depends on how you define it. But I am very much present in 3D at this time.

Like she slid in your dms after posting this?! That’s insane lol
Invite us to the wedding kk
That’s amazing

Remote viewing?

More like the other way around.

Someone I am linked to by an old working. Her old pic didn’t really look like Bobbie. New pic she sent me at a different angle… oh yeah. And what she did in the journeys, pretty much her stated spirit purpose and identity. Not sure if that’s my story to tell though.