Increased Psychic Functioning (Classic Version)

Dream said before releasing it he worked on it 1hour before, so idk if it is the same field or just the same concepts in new energy field


The only beneftit to wearing headphones is not having to worry about ppl around you being affected


I am amazed with power of this field and I hope only in right hand it will go and be.
I am listening one hour daily.
There was some rude man, which wasn’t ever polite with me and my friends…he started to be rude again, I was imagining like I go in his mind and said him:" please, be kind and polite with me and my friends, talk politely with us, thank You"
After 5-10 minutes or so, I was amazed by his behaviour, like it switch/shift on, whole evening he was finally normal and not provocative.
My friends were very confused.
So people, use it carefully and for higher good all I advise


Higher good? No, only selfcare


Well if I didn’t prevent it, there would be for sure fight between one my friend and him.
So I think it was only for good or ?

I would like to report that I purchased it and have been looping it the majority of the time (night and day) on min volume (and occasionally playing it through at regular volume) for the past few days.

My understanding of certain things in the universe has been greatly enhanced, as has the power and frequency of my downloads.

The day after I got it, I literally sat down with a close friend and told her I had acquired all the power I wanted, and had no idea what to do with it.

I have spent about from Fri afternoon to Sun afternoon incarnating “Transcendence” as a concept. I was literally ripped out of my body during a meditation Fri night, and the shaman running it asked me if I was back when it was over… and used the word “transcending” multiple times.


Well, it’s neither…and both. I think of it as the beginning of experiencing Unity Consciousness. They’re not “my” thoughts or “your” thoughts, they’re thoughts within the human collective consciousness.

You think of the person right before they call/txt you because the thought to do so was within the collective consciousness of mankind, and you picked up on it.

Very exciting train of thought this is, if you ask me. :smiley:


Hello @Dreamweaver, any update about when the new ipf tag be available in the sapienshop?


good evening everyone .

I just bought this audio field yesterday.

Difficult to meditate and even to sleep a little with this audio field because of lightning, thunder, like an explosion.

I like the sound of the rain but there with the clap of thunder it is unpleasant this explosions.

I decided to remove the passage there is the sound of thunder with the software Audacity.

I recorded everything in mp3 320 kbits.

Does doing this not alter the strength of that audio field?


Probably yes, since even just the fact of downloading for me reduces the effects too much


ah thin not cool :confused:.

right now I’m listening to the original version, I’m reading. For meditation it will not be possible :confused:.

It would be cool if there was a version only with the fields, without melody and other atmosphere.

Anyway, we’re going to do with it … lol … it’s only me who complains :sweat_smile:

Put the sound very low, or try to open another tab with a soft sound that masks the effects, I used the first option when I needed to meditate or listen to the subconscious limits removal audio, as that song was not pleasant for that.

Effectively by reducing the volume of the audio and putting another sound alongside with a second music player, it’s more pleasant, less disturbing the thunderclap.

thanks for the tip :wink::pray:


Is the tag still available for purchase somewhere?

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When is psychic field 2.0 coming out?


Is he gonna upload a 2.0 that you’ll have to buy again, even if you get first one? I think I heard someone say that.

The older versions of fields continue working when new versions are created.

It is not necessary to buy the upgraded version of any field, though one can if one wishes.


Ik that it’ll continue working. I’m just wondering if sapien is creating a 2.0 of PS that would be a different purchase


Yes, it’ll be a new tag when created.

Here are more details about it from posts in this thread.


I’m kind of terrified of enhanced psychic functioning. When I was younger, I entered a state where I could not close my perception. I heard voices everywhere, saw visions, lucid-dreamt, went out of body, and became extremely ungrounded. Ever since I’ve been subconsciously blocking this out of fear. Is there a way to ‘turn off the switch’?