Hey family, just wanted to know if items with fields on it such as dog tags passed on from another person should be cleansed and how they would be? I’ve been wearing a tag I got from someone else almost everyday, I’ve cleansed it with sage a few times
Nah man they can’t be corrupted, you’re good! :)
nope items are not affected, at all.
i would cleanse them anyway though :D but I’d more so cleanse the chain, and only once really. and you can use essence of burnt sage so you wouldn’t have to do it multiple times or any of that.
yes, they are protected of any influence, that includes people’s energies as well.
This was my concern. Thanks for the replies!
I apologize for hijacking your thread or if this is off topic - would anyone by any chance have a used Athletic Performance Enhancement tag for sale, if you dont use it anymore? Also how much would it cost approx ?
I apologize to the moderators if I’m not allowed to discuss a sale of used tag. If it’s a violation, I apologize in advance and will delete my post.
Here you go! I also would be interested in APE, haven’t asked though
(Classified - Sapien Medicine)
Classifieds section for people to sell tags, pendants or other metaphysical products