Seeing a grid

I’ve noticed that since May 2021 I can see a grid every time I use Dream’s fields / items, every time I feel like a lot of energy is going through my body and specially in my brain there’s like a perfect grid appearing in front of me, I think it’s related to my third eye somehow. I can’t find anything online to explain that phenomenon, it almost feels like it’s a glitch in the matrix lol, does anyone know what it means ?


sounds like a great gift of sight!


You are seeing the “Matrix”.


Yes, according to sources I read there is indeed a quarantine grid ( matrix ) built around earth. I posted about this on this forum last year:

Also, I just recently read this article. Here’s the link if one is interested:


This keeps people in …and out.

The other stuff about recycling center and “White Light is bad”…is… not accurate.


Ok wow, thanks for the replies every one, I hope I can use this gift one day to do something useful with it!


so there is really Matrix
So all this quarantines, vaccinations, life circle ist schon planed
No way out
Go in game, play in game
Life circle
Seems like created from some big guy or guys

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there’s always a way out.
You simply don’t get to go to college until you graduate high school…

The rest of universe isn’t interested in letting immature citizens sit out on the stoop all night, drinking beers, smoking pot, and playing loud music in their nice quiet neighborhood when they all have to get up early the next morning to go to work… :slight_smile:


Fun fact : when I started using the empath shielding mandala, the grid around me became more rigide , it was more dense around me, so basically I can see dream’s work working around me. When I look at the mandalas and psychic cards too I see the grid changing shapes, becoming denser or lighter.


Exactly. This also prevents negative Aliens from taking over earth openly with their far advanced tech.
Thus, they try through incarnating their minions into homo sapien bodies and try take over earth from inside the quarantene zone…

To leave the earth matrix, 3 simple steps that need to be done :slightly_smiling_face::

  • collect all the experiences that your Higher Self wants to collect
  • develop true free will so that you manifest your life experience vs. just reacting to what your DNA and the Matrix tell you to do and feel
  • emotional detachment from anything human and earth related / raising vibration to reach escape velocity

You know
I think I have several times also saw this grid, net
And I think it really exist
And mir is just einfallen, dass this matrix doesn’t allow us to we go beyond, like in heaven or sowas
It’s like net in we as souls hit in it and again here reincarnate in this world
Just thought that mir fällt gerade ein


Why the crazy mix of German and English in your sentences? Failed google translation? :slight_smile:


I’m practicing this daily during my daily meditations and anytime of the day I want to just recently. I use either Sapien’s Ego Disso or Sigh’s Renewal Time audios since both are effective in helping me achieve the void state for a few minutes at most for now.


I recommend Vibration of Transcende + Ascension Tag for this.

Keep in mind that you cannot detach until you have also integrated your shadow / your dark side etc. and transcended/healed all your deep traumas. So adding Trauma Healing field and anything related to it into the daily stack as well is highly recommended.


Well, that’s a GREAT ability, to see beyond our “normal” or rather limited capabilities, may it benefit you!
I can’t say that I’ve seen or felt such a grid.

Is it possible that (some) authors that bring/are fear mongering have an ulterior motive?