Seeing astral entities

I just have few questions about the subject since someone on last meeting on zoom asked for a field to able to see astral entities.

I have some questions and need some clarifications

Once someone will be able to see astral entities with own eyes does this will cause problem while driving?, i mean you drive your car and in fraction of second and in middle of night spirit is crossing and you think is real fella then you break.
How can someone make difference between physical and not physical in that case?
I’ve read a story of someone be able to see astral entities but sometimes she cannot make a difference especially if that spirit look like a normal person ( a guy wearing normal clothes )

Other things if field would exist can we able to switch it on/off when ever we want like wearing the tag and take it off.


that was on 12 august with sammy that was like a catchup of the energy awakening course

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And what was the answer? Are they gonna make one?


Dreams most dangerous field is androstenol and testosterone.

Someone even got stabbed when using androstenol.

A little clairvoyance field definitely isnt dangerous or other “reasons”.


And those of us here who can handle it, know what to do, and actually want it, should be deprived of such a field because of the idiots that aren’t intelligent enough to research before using something?

Gee, thats so fair.


Dream is holding back big time, and the main reason is probably because idiots that will try to use it for something retarded like penis growth or how to get laid etc, and end up hurting themselves.

And people like us get to miss awesome fields because of them.


Such a field isnt even possible what OP said.

The astral is the mental realm, unless the field places you in a trance state 24/7, it wont happen.

Clairvoyance would be meditating and then seeing the mental realm (astral) with closed eyes.

But im not just talking about clairvoyance etc, I mean awesome spiritual fields in general.


sammy said he’s going to tell dreamweaver

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Think Sammy answered that he will let Dream know about the suggestion. But sammy did say why Dream doesn’t do astral stuff, find it somewhat personal so If anyone wants to know get the recording


but can we able to make difference between physical and non-physical if driving or walking? i dont care about how fightening is this stuff just wanna able to make difference between spirit and human lol


:100: many still focus outwards and missing the inner work, so much to see and experience beyond this physical plane

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it’s probably because field already existed.

Yes, I know, you, and you, and you, could handle it…
but pretty much no one could handle it the first time around, and quite honestly, alot of those people were more “experienced” than many here.

If you could, you’d already being seeing astral entities already …
so yeah…

Now you can all hate on me and tell me how you’re different than everyone else. :smirk:


Everyone is free to focus on what they believe best …

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What I can say, for experience (I have born clairvoyant… Yeah, I’m not perfect at this yet but I’m training to get better and better):

1 - Yes, you can see with open eyes and the astral entities (humans souls and “monsters”) will seem VERY real, like it was physical, so the only way to know the difference between a living human being and a human soul is by the aura or if the human soul is doing something “impossible”, like going through a wall, etc.

2 - Yeah, it would definetelly cause accidents when driving, etc. My clairvoyance is always off, except when I turn it on.

3 - Most people think “Oh, it’s just a spirit, I can handle this! I watch terror movies and see monsters there and I don’t even get afraid of it haha!” but trust me, in real life it’s TOTALLY diferent. Just think this way: Seeing a serial killer in a movie is ok, it’s not real and u know it… But do u think u’ll be ok seeing a real serial killer running after u? I don’t think so… Many people who have saw spirits get traumatized for years, even people who wanted to see them in the first place! I’m not telling YOU who is reading this is one who will get traumatized, but u can be and not even know it now.


:clap: :point_up_2:


Thank you for the clarifications :slight_smile:


I’ll not ask you for a ride by car… just in case :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


:rofl: :rofl:

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It really sparks my curiosity. I didn’t understand the human souls part. Are those ghosts?

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