Seeing the world the way we did as kids

I agree. I had it in my playlist for a long time and removed it to make room for new ones. Just added it back a couple days ago.

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do things that you really want to do that everyone told you not to do.

do things that you feel will bring joy to your life and forget about everyone else’s opinions and feelings on those things. your experiences are the only ones that should matter first to you and your relationships to what brings joy into your life.


Good advice! Do you think we can get back to how we felt as children? I have done a lot of healing and clearing over the last 15 years, but I still am not there yet.

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i can only speak for myself, but my current present is better than my past. my childhood had a lot of restrictions and confusion.

in my present i have:

  • more freedom
  • more money
  • more friends
  • more hobbies
  • more time
  • more energy

my advice that helped me is:

  • sleep more
  • eat food that makes you feel healthy
  • exercise more
  • meditate more
  • be with friends and family who uplift and support you

it’s all in the present. take all your awareness and put it in the present moment where you have choice and peace.


The Fool
Archetype of Parental Love
Hope and Happiness

Spending time with actual children. Teaching them at the same time learning from them.


Well said! Yes, I also had restrictions and confusion when I was young that I wouldn’t want to return to. I’m referring to the wonder and optimism about life and the future that erodes for many with time and negative life experiences. Thank you for the suggestions! I have improved my diet a lot but there is still more I can do in that area.


Thank you! Archetype of Parental Love is one I haven’t worked with yet.


yeah if you’re interested in the feeling of wonder and optimism you could try out Emotional Mastering Protocol.

feeling all my emotions and having creative freedom with them is one of my main goals of my spiritual journey.


I recently wrote on a different thread that the Knight/ Warrior Mindset field has helped me with this.


Thank you Vesparda! I was using Crucible for awhile. Haven’t tried Ojas’s yet. I will read up on that one again. There are so many fields, it can be a little overwhelming deciding.

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Anyone else have any insights to share on this topic? I think the belief systems we acquire over time are a big part of it. We are constantly being conditioned and programmed from childhood into accepting the beliefs of others and our society. Over time it has a big impact on how we see ourselves and the world. We need faster more effective tools to clear trauma and limiting beliefs.

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Sometimes I listen to this field Regain your innocence (energetically programmed audio) - YouTube because I want to be completely free of all negativity. If we want to change this world, then we must change ourselves. Give evil energy no chance to infect your energy field. Innocence is very important.


Do any of you have theories on where our shadow comes from? I’ve been contemplating this recently while thinking about the process of shadow work in our healing journey. If we come from pure consciousness, god or source which is unconditional love, where does all this darkness and trauma come from that needs to be integrated or healed? Why doesn’t it seem to affect us much when we are children? It must still be present, but we are naturally joyful and happy when we are kids. We don’t have to work at it, it is our natural state.


i like this question!

this reality started off pretty chaotic and that chaos continues to reflect from generation to generation.

shadows in this scenario are the actions based off primal survival and are echos of what happened to get to the current state of the present moment.

we had no other references to what was happening to us as children and as we develop we would get smarter and have more experience, but because of that it pushes memories of ‘trauma’ further and further away until we can only recall whispers of it.

shadow work would be to continue living life and recognizing these patterns that happened to us when we were younger and having more and more tools at our disposal to face it in its entirety.

that’s the great part of all the shadow work that once it is cleared there’s more room for our true nature to shine through and express into our present moment.

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So, are you saying you feel a lot of what we are feeling is energies in the collective of this reality and not personally our own?

I’m not sure what you are saying here. You mean because of the veil that blocks our memories of other lives?

Unfortunately, that hasn’t been my experience so far after 16 years. I am beginning to wonder if there is no end. Especially when you factor in the concepts of trauma in the collective consciousness that we could be tapping into. We could potentially spend eons cleaning all that up.

In my own analysis and contemplation of this I feel for me personally what I am experiencing is related to my physical body, the energy layers of my body or the dense energies of this reality. I don’t seem to carry any of it with me when I leave this reality.


i’m just localizing it to the life you have right now. i’m addressing the behaviours passed down from ancestor to ancestor like a game of telephone.

easier to observe your parents and ask them questions about your childhood. that will give you a ton of answers you can work with.

that’s okay and speaking from personal experience yeah life just keeps going whether like a river keeps flowing.

i would say to just help where you can and let go of feeling like Atlas and carrying the worlds’ issues on your own shoulders. we all collectively made a mess and i’m hoping we’ll collectively work together to clean up and not just a small portion of the collective.

yes, but all of our experiences and how we affected others linger in this reality. one way to leave this place better than when you entered is to continue helping others while respecting your boundaries.

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Yes, I think that is a part of it. Dr Bradley Nelson discusses inherited emotions and trauma in The Emotion Code.

We can also be feeling the collective emotions from other people in our city or the world. Especially if you are an empath. It can be difficult to distinguish what is ours or someone else’s. Because of the interconnected nature of consciousness, if we begin tapping into the collective trauma the process of healing could feel endless. Shielding is suppose to help with this.

This may be one of the challenges. When we begin the spiritual journey of expanding our consciousness, it’s the opposite of localized. An affect of expanded consciousness is more awareness of all of it, the light and the dark.


you’ve taught me something as i am realizing i’ve been making choices that i thought were mine but then i notice it was more of a collective subconscious. just recently i quit my job and yes i had my reasons, but then i find out a few days later that the company was making employee rule changes that would make me want to quit anyways. also in this time there’s news going on about ‘the great resignation’ that i also found out about after my own resignation.

could you expand (pun intended) on this? from my understanding of the conversation i said what i said because children have more of a localized experience until they get older and experience more and more. children have an easier time accessing their happiness and excitement for the world because everything is new to them and they have the innate feeling that anything they do can be achieved.

like you mention with shielding, to find your own inner child is to look inward and bring your needs to the forefront while temporarily putting everything and everyone in the back burner so you can process and grow.

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Yes, I agree as children our experience is more localized. I was referring to my current state.

My main goal when I began my spiritual journey was a deeper understanding of God, consciousness and how reality is being created. Spiritual practices and energy work over time greatly expanded my awareness and I received many of the answers I was seeking. It’s like if your awareness was very focused on one narrow spot, you are only aware of that spot. But if you expand the light of your awareness til it illuminates the entire room, house, city or world, now you are aware of so much more. But more awareness of all of it, the light and dark, the joy and suffering. It’s very easy for me to tap into and feel the pain and emotions of others now. What we perceive as separation, myself and others is an illusion we create. So, expanded awareness brings new challenges.


an option you could try is to control how much you are aware of.

this is practical because there is a correlation between happiness and being carefree the more an empath focuses on themself and their needs.

if you’re able to make others happy and help them, then you can widen your scope of awareness and be happier in a wider state of consciousness.

like a hobby or skill, start small and manageable and work your way towards more and more.

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