Seeker of Truth NFT: Testimonials

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someone accept my offer :) thank you so much :cupid:

EDIT: Got it :)


(original size)


I don’t have this one.
But imagine using this to measure not other people words, but our own words, our lies to ourselves, our long-built belief system.
Quite scary but life-changing I’m sure :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


It sounds similar to conceptual realizations

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Instantly I thought of this.

How much we bullshit ourselves.

Ego not gonna like this.


If you consider that a concept like “privacy” mostly exists only in societies where…

  1. people are “ashamed” of a certain part of themselves, and thus need to hide it, and
  2. where the society’s members have not yet learned to communicate telepathically and read and see everthing psychically,…

…then you will find that while these apply to human beings, in the grand sheme of things, there is actually nothing to hide and most evolved beings in the universe as well as on the astral plane can see through everything and everyone and see the facts as they are.

Lying to oneself is a pretty human experience where you experience the whole world through the distortion of the physical senses only :slight_smile:

Both points apply to our current human society on 21st Century earth at the moment, but as soon as everyone becomes telepathic and psychic – then everyone will see through everyone.
It will be normal to know everything about everyone.
And there will nothing for anyone to be ashamed of.

It is the SHAME that makes people hiding certain parts of them.
And the solution is to face those parts and bring them out to the surface, out of the “privacy” (= shadow intergration) and become whole again.

That’s what “BECOME WHOLE” means – no longer being a split personality where you show one face to the public and the other face you hide in secrecy because you are ashamed of it.


This might be a tool for divination, a way to deternine the truth of a situation by speaking statements out loud.
“Now is a good time to take the relationship to the next level.”
“Now is a good time to ask for a raise.”


Does anybody have any particular experience to share about this?
I’m kind of confused cuz when I told myself something that I know is not true, I didn’t feel anything, there might be a possibility what I said to myself was true but I tried with lots of other statements and still couldn’t feel the buzz so I doubt that.
But there are also times where I feel goosebumps all over, but it might be because I’m meditating with it when listening to something, so the goosebump might be the effect of the meditation, something similar to the kinetic quasi crystal. Same thing happens when I’m not listening to anything but just hold it in my hands as well :rofl:
Does it work only when you read/listen to other people’s statements but not your own?
And I’m not sure how the “energy buzz” would feel like.
So I’d to hear about everbody’s experience :pray:
@Captain_Nemo can you shed some light on this for us? Thank you!


@Captain_Nemo @SammyG Above it says about spoken untruths. Does this apply to written words as well? Meaning if what we read is not true our body will energetically buzz also

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I think its better for new interactions.


@Captain_Nemo That’s interesting. Interactions mean that you are actually speaking to the other person.

I’ve been testing this by listening to audios/videos and my body seems to buzz and I feel pinpricks. So, I’m a bit stumped.


a written thing gets buried with everybody’s energy reading it over time

videos are less buried or voices as the actual person’s presence is seen
and people ‘pay attention’
while written words are interpreted.

but both still get a bit covered over time.
while one less so.


Thank you! I didn’t think about it this way. You are right. Old texts would have everyone’s, who read them, interpretations and energy on them.

Makes sense.

@Captain_Nemo Thank you for helping clear this up for me. :purple_heart:


This is a very cool insight. Thank you for that.

This then also e.g. means that old paintings in museums, that Millions of people have looked at and energetically “touched” with their personal interpretations of what they see – and then when a new person looks at that painting, the person is able to psychically download all those Millions of possible interpretations of that painting vs. the one interpretation that the origional painter had in mind.

And then if we apply this concept to Celebrities – everyone has an opinion about person X or spiritual guru Y… which explains how most of our “assumptions” about those people are completely wrong and rather based on other people’s assumptions.

I’ve also seen this approach being done by the government to protects their “secret stuff” from remote viewers.
E.g. if they don’t want a remote viewer to see their secret Mars base, they will release a sci-fi movie about “zombies on Mars” so that the concept of Mars is flooded by untrue collective thoughts about Mars, making it difficult for the remote viewer to discern the truth from the disinfo flood.


Is anyone into crypto :)?

next time you hear some “news” check if it’s legit or just manipulation :)


To the people who own this NFT, has anyone noticed that they’re better able to sense truths even if they don’t have the NFT physically on hand?



I haven’t printed it out.
But in a meeting with my department leader and others, I noticed a buzzing in my crown, which at first I didn’t know what it meant. I thought about NFTs that might be responsible and remembered this one.

My guess is that my department leader had to tell a lot of untruths to become department leader and probably continues to do so on a regular basis. But that’s just a guess.


That’s very cool, thank you for sharing this! :)
I have this one also and noticed an improvement in that area as well. But I never carry the printout with me and for the longest time, I hadn’t even printed it out. I too was thinking which NFT might be responsible and this one came to mind. Of course it could also be attributable to a general improvement. But your experience supports my thought enough for me to reconsider giving it away.