Seeker of Truth NFT: Testimonials

Thank you! I didn’t think about it this way. You are right. Old texts would have everyone’s, who read them, interpretations and energy on them.

Makes sense.

@Captain_Nemo Thank you for helping clear this up for me. :purple_heart:


This is a very cool insight. Thank you for that.

This then also e.g. means that old paintings in museums, that Millions of people have looked at and energetically “touched” with their personal interpretations of what they see – and then when a new person looks at that painting, the person is able to psychically download all those Millions of possible interpretations of that painting vs. the one interpretation that the origional painter had in mind.

And then if we apply this concept to Celebrities – everyone has an opinion about person X or spiritual guru Y… which explains how most of our “assumptions” about those people are completely wrong and rather based on other people’s assumptions.

I’ve also seen this approach being done by the government to protects their “secret stuff” from remote viewers.
E.g. if they don’t want a remote viewer to see their secret Mars base, they will release a sci-fi movie about “zombies on Mars” so that the concept of Mars is flooded by untrue collective thoughts about Mars, making it difficult for the remote viewer to discern the truth from the disinfo flood.


Is anyone into crypto :)?

next time you hear some “news” check if it’s legit or just manipulation :)


To the people who own this NFT, has anyone noticed that they’re better able to sense truths even if they don’t have the NFT physically on hand?



I haven’t printed it out.
But in a meeting with my department leader and others, I noticed a buzzing in my crown, which at first I didn’t know what it meant. I thought about NFTs that might be responsible and remembered this one.

My guess is that my department leader had to tell a lot of untruths to become department leader and probably continues to do so on a regular basis. But that’s just a guess.


That’s very cool, thank you for sharing this! :)
I have this one also and noticed an improvement in that area as well. But I never carry the printout with me and for the longest time, I hadn’t even printed it out. I too was thinking which NFT might be responsible and this one came to mind. Of course it could also be attributable to a general improvement. But your experience supports my thought enough for me to reconsider giving it away.