I have a theory that is based on the theory of parrallel universes. It’s actually barely a theory but a working question I’ve pondered on for a few days that I’d like to sort out here.
Basically the other night I had smoked some nice weed that had me mellow and chill. I started to question where bad thoughts and habits could come from. Once we work through our trauma and spiritually put in the effort to unlock the nature within us…what still beats us down? What still keeps us from who we are?
Then I thought about selves existing in other realities…and that not all of those selves are good people. They could be the very kind of people YOU at this vibration in this construct despise. You could be ANYTHING in another dimension…and that’s scary especially if you don’t know WHO or WHAT and it’s influencing your experience here. What if traumas you are going through or causing in other realities is coming back reflecting here in some way shape or form?
I believe that I am a good person and in my heart I truly do desire peace and harmony for myself and others. Then sometimes I’ll have a thought that will come in and out so fast that was totally NOT ME. Like so messed up and not even anywhere on the radar of what I know to be me that I have to pause. Like…how or why would you even think that?
We’re very familiar with past lives, entities and other forms tainting our progress here…but what if you have enemies that are YOU. You could be unconditionally loving accepting and empowering fragments of yourself beyond your comprehension.
The thing is, once you have a thought like this…there is a responsibility that comes with the investigation of it, because it didn’t just come from nowhere. If your parallel selves are out of alignment with you now…the one you are certain of and working on…how do you take accountability for that. Is the response to destroy them? Could that be a new kind of ego or multiple ego death. People can’t just say things like we have selves in other dimensons and we’re multidimensional beings and then not explore the possibility of self having interdimensional conflict with misaligned timelines and existences…
Also, I don’t want this to be negative or scary or make anyone go too far off in the deep end. What I am seeking is open discussion and possibly an antidote.
If you suppose that theres indefinite parallel universes than theres definitely bad versions of you . Theres actually every version of you , every possible action with every possible outcome happened somewhere. so go figure …
the thing is, its very unlikly that the bad version of you wants to harm you
you know, even the thought of it being, why is this reality “normal”
I mean look at reality it is, everything you see fits right into the picture you know, its all logical
now imagine a reality where for example you would have yourself as trump
now think about it and I bet the first impression of it will be “nah man, this cant be”
Idk if I can get my point accros but what I am trying to get at is, why do we experience this reality as it is, this “normal” logical reality where nothing crazy happens, but theres a shit ton parralel universes where the crazy shit gets down
why dont I experience that ?
i’m saying that this you is cognizant of parallel universes and existenses. in this reality i was able to think about that based off of the knowledge available to me. what comes to me in my reality is not necessarily going to be the same for you. i’m just posing the question of alternate selves that may be “closer” dimensionally or even karmically…something out of time but in resonance.
are there ways of healing, influencing aligning those selves…even if some…mostly the ones that could be influencing “YOU” here “now.”
You know, the thing about influencing other you in a bad way is highly unlikly, thats because thd ego “you” and all the other “you” cant do it, the soul wont let you. To reach even this kind of level where you can do those things requires ego death and bunch of inner peace.
This is based on what Sam stated but being able to experience paralel Universes with your current awarness/ego requires
to go beyond what Buddha did, and this will take quite some time or maybe not, but in this universe things go slow.