Senescent Cell Removal (Energetically Programmed Audio)

Thanks for making this post @Nice2knowU and reminding about this audio.
Now I am wondering should this audio be used or avoided in case of benign tumours?

I was researching a bit and could be senescent cells help to control malignancy … I might be wrong… i am still reading about it…
@Dreamweaver @SammyG


Initially when it was released I used this every day for a month, since I’m older (60’s).
Now it is in my weekly maintenance stack.

Update 5/24 For the past few months I have been listening to it every day (total of 2-3 plays) .
Update 9/24 Now I use it once every day.


Should be used :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks for responding @SammyG.
Also please kindly check this article if you wish to. It says the senescent cells have dual role in tumor growth. I am not a medic so will need more study to come to a decisive conclusion and yet it made me wonder… whether removing or keeping the cells will help more. Still studying… This is tumor in my own body and is a matter of life and death so have to really be sure before I do things with it.

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I’ll speak to dream about it since he made the field and would know best. I know his fields don’t aggravate tumors and ehatnot. They specirically are programmed not to. But I will make aure with him regardless


ChatGPT: cell removal, also known as senolytic therapy, is a medical approach that aims to eliminate or reduce the number of senescent cells in the body. Senescent cells are cells that have stopped dividing and are no longer functioning properly, but are still alive and remain in the body. They are thought to contribute to aging and age-related diseases, such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, and neurodegenerative disorders.

Senolytic therapy involves the use of drugs or other agents to selectively kill senescent cells. These drugs are designed to trigger apoptosis, a process of programmed cell death, in senescent cells. Once senescent cells are eliminated, healthy cells can proliferate and function normally.

The potential benefits of senolytic therapy include:

  1. Improved tissue repair: By removing senescent cells, the body may be better able to repair damaged tissues and organs.
  2. Increased lifespan: Senolytic therapy has been shown to increase lifespan in animal studies.
  3. Reduced risk of age-related diseases: By reducing the number of senescent cells, senolytic therapy may help prevent or slow down the progression of age-related diseases.
  4. Improved quality of life: By reducing inflammation and improving tissue repair, senolytic therapy may lead to improved overall health and well-being
  5. Improved cognitive function: Senescent cells have been shown to accumulate in the brain with age, and may contribute to cognitive decline and neurodegenerative diseases. By removing senescent cells, senolytic therapy may help improve cognitive function and reduce the risk of age-related brain disorders.
  6. Reduced inflammation: Senescent cells are known to produce inflammatory molecules that can contribute to chronic inflammation. By eliminating these cells, senolytic therapy may help reduce inflammation and improve overall health.
  7. Enhanced immune function: Senescent cells can impair immune function, making it more difficult for the body to fight off infections and diseases. By removing these cells, senolytic therapy may help improve immune function and reduce the risk of infections.
  8. Improved metabolic function: Senescent cells have been linked to metabolic dysfunction, including insulin resistance and obesity. By removing these cells, senolytic therapy may help improve metabolic function and reduce the risk of metabolic diseases.
  9. Reduced frailty: Frailty is a common condition in older adults, characterized by weakness, fatigue, and decreased physical function. Senolytic therapy has been shown to improve physical function and reduce frailty in animal studies.
  10. Improved cardiovascular function: Senescent cells have been shown to accumulate in the heart and blood vessels, contributing to cardiovascular disease. By removing these cells, senolytic therapy may help improve cardiovascular function and reduce the risk of heart disease.
  11. Enhanced wound healing: Senescent cells have been shown to impair wound healing. By removing these cells, senolytic therapy may help improve wound healing and reduce the risk of chronic wounds.
  12. Reduced cancer risk: Senescent cells have been linked to the development of cancer. By removing these cells, senolytic therapy may help reduce the risk of cancer.

There is some concern that senolytic therapy could potentially aggravate tumors, as senescent cells have been shown to have tumor-suppressive properties. However, research in animals has not found evidence that senolytic therapy promotes tumor growth. In fact, some studies have suggested that senolytic therapy may help prevent cancer by removing senescent cells that could potentially become cancerous.

That being said, the effects of senolytic therapy on tumors in humans are still not well understood and more research is needed to fully understand the potential risks and benefits of this approach. As with any medical treatment, it is important to consult with a healthcare provider to determine if senolytic therapy is appropriate for your individual situation.


If any if you are or feel like you are insulin resistant, use this audio. Normally after eating a heavy meal like McDonalds or any other fast food or restaurant, I would feel so sleepy. However…yesterday, I didn’t feel sleepy. I had steak and shake yesterday. Literally didn’t feel sleepy yesterday. Not to mention I look a bit younger (even though I already look young for a 28 year old)

Even if one is in their 20s, this audio should still be used. Everytime I use this audio, I feel it basically all over my body. It’s like an itchy sensation. Kind of insane that even with good aging genetics there are still quite a bit of senescent cells in my body at 28.

So if any of you have terrible aging genetics, definitely use this audio.

I forgot to note one thing down. Back when I was a teenager or maybe up until I was 22 years old, I would almost NEVER feel sleepy after meals. So basically what I’m saying is…senescence starts internally pretty fast even if one looks so young for their age.


This audio is so so underrated!! I experimented with this by playing it a few times two days ago and in a matter of minutes my morning brain fog just… disappeared. When I woke up the next day, I was clear-headed and had no morning grogginess. Have kept using it for the benefits listed above, too. Very very grateful for this creation!! :pray::heart:


My Mom and one sister use it every day :) and i decided to loop it along the sirt 3 and 6 activation one to sleep for 2 or 3 weeks.

I think we should all use this field to get rid of all types of inflammation, tissue blockages, cells etc and then rebuild from that, its like it brings homeostasis to the body to start a new and that way integrate much better and deeper all the other healing regenerating fields.


How did it go?

I am thinking of pairing it with Sestrins because that one does wonders for my homeostasis.

I had some pains here and there sometimes and i was like :flushed:

Because i never those pains before those audios. So i looped the heck out of them for like 10 days haha and the pain subsided, it was more like little sharp pains which def is a sign of “things” being popped/squeezed etc :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Circulation got much better, more flexibility, more lighter, better digestion and all i kept thinking was that we never know whats going on inside.

And the irony is that i feel really healthy :woman_shrugging:t2:

I will def get bk to the routine, i am very focuses on a particular aim right now and thats why i swtiched it.

Same with my Mom and sister, just feeling good overall like reversing damages in your body that we normally attribute to normal “aging” process.

These 2 should def be added in all healing stacks, or anti aging stacks


Omg I have been playing it for 3 days and so this is the field responsible for these pins I feel in my hands and calves. I thought it was strange but then I remembered your post💗

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This audio is ridiculously underrated. I already have naturally amazing aging genetics. I’m 28 and there is someone who hasn’t seen me for years and says I still look the same.

In fact there were some 20 year olds and teenagers who said I looked 20. When they heard that I have a wife they were seriously questioning my age. :rofl:

I’m not even consistent with this audio and yet with such little use it makes me look ridiculously young for my age.


I love the prickly/tickly sensations I get from this field (especially in my head). It feels good, and it’s a good feeling knowing senescent cells are being removed. :slight_smile:


Anyone noticed any skin tightening from this field?


Not medical advice.

If on a keto diet, using the senescent cell removal field is probably a good idea. Also, take breaks from your keto diet.


It seems there are more potential advantages than disadvantages to removing senescent cells:

Advantages of Removing Senescent Cells

  • Removing persistent, dysfunctional senescent cells can delay, prevent or alleviate multiple age-related diseases and disorders like idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, diabetic kidney disease, osteoporosis, and neurodegenerative diseases.[1][2]
  • Clearing senescent cells has been shown in preclinical models to improve physical function and extend healthspan (years of life free of major disease and disability).[1]
  • Selectively eliminating senescent cells using senolytic drugs can have beneficial effects by reducing chronic inflammation and tissue dysfunction caused by the senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP).[2][3]
  • Removing senescent cells has been demonstrated to slow age-related changes in organs like the heart, kidney, and fat tissue, as well as delay tumor formation and cataract development in mice.[1]

Disadvantages of Removing Senescent Cells

  • Short-term or acute senescent cells can have beneficial roles in processes like wound healing and embryonic development, so removing these cells could disrupt important physiological functions.[1][3]
  • The complex interplay between different fundamental aging mechanisms is not fully understood, so eliminating senescent cells could potentially have unintended consequences on other aging pathways.[3]
  • Reliable biomarkers to quantify senescent cell abundance and the SASP are still lacking, making it challenging to identify optimal targets and timing for senolytic interventions.[3]
  • There are regulatory and clinical development challenges, such as the lack of ICD codes for age-related conditions, that need to be addressed before senolytic therapies can be widely adopted.[3]

Overall, the search results suggest that the potential benefits of selectively removing persistent, dysfunctional senescent cells outweigh the potential drawbacks, particularly in terms of delaying age-related diseases and improving healthspan. However, the complex roles of senescent cells and the need for further research and development must be carefully considered.

[1] Senescent cells tied to health and longevity in mice | National Institutes of Health (NIH)
[2] Anti-Aging Benefits of Senolytics - Life Extension
[3] Cellular senescence and senolytics: the path to the clinic | Nature Medicine
[4] Removal of senescent cells reduces the viral load and attenuates pulmonary and systemic inflammation in SARS-CoV-2-infected, aged hamsters | Nature Aging
[5] The Role of Senescent Cells in Longevity and How to Reduce Their Impact

As @Lanos indicated. Here are the key points regarding senescent cells and cancer:

Senescent cells play a complex role in cancer, exhibiting both antitumorigenic and protumorigenic effects. Here are the key points regarding senescent cells and cancer:

Antitumorigenic Effects of Senescent Cells

  • Barrier to Tumorigenesis: Senescence can act as a natural barrier to tumorigenesis by arresting the cell cycle and preventing further genomic instability[1].
  • Therapy-Induced Senescence: Senescence can be induced by anticancer therapies, contributing to the initial antitumor effect by halting proliferation and preventing further genetic damage[4].
  • Immune System Activation: Senescent cells can activate the host immune system, which can help clear senescent cancer cells, potentially improving the efficacy of cancer therapies[4].

Protumorigenic Effects of Senescent Cells

  • Pro-Tumorigenic Properties: In certain conditions, senescent cells can acquire pro-tumorigenic properties, contributing to cancer progression. This can occur through the secretion of pro-inflammatory factors (SASP) that promote tumour growth and survival[1].
  • Immune Suppression: Senescent cells can create an immunosuppressive environment by activating proteins like PD-L2, which inhibits the immune system’s ability to kill cancer cells, potentially leading to tumour regrowth[5].
  • Bystander Effects: Senescent cells can spread the senescent phenotype to surrounding non-senescent cancer cells through the SASP, potentially sensitizing them to senolytic treatments[4].

Therapeutic Opportunities

  • Senolytic Therapy: The selective killing of senescent cells (senolysis) has been explored as a potential therapeutic approach to improve the efficacy of cancer treatments and reduce treatment-related adverse events[1][4].
  • Combination Therapies: Combining senolytic therapy with other cancer treatments, such as immunotherapy, has been proposed to enhance the effectiveness of cancer therapies[4].
  • Targeting Senescent Cells: Approaches to target senescent cells include specific killing, inhibition of their secretory phenotype, and improving the immune system’s ability to eliminate senescent cells[3].

In summary, while senescent cells can initially act as a barrier to tumorigenesis, they can also acquire pro-tumorigenic properties, highlighting the need for targeted therapies to manage their effects in cancer treatment.

[1] Senescence and cancer — role and therapeutic opportunities | Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology
[3] Targeting senescent cells: approaches, opportunities, challenges - PMC
[4] Exploiting senescence for the treatment of cancer | Nature Reviews Cancer
[5] Chemotherapy becomes more efficient when senescent cells are eliminated by immunotherapy | IRB Barcelona

source: Perplexity.AI


Don’t forget! “Listen as much as you need; you will reach a point where most would have been removed and you dont really need to use this, until those cells build back up”

And use anti-cancer from time to time in your stacks.


I feel like this can also kill candida/fungus?

Added Youtube link to OP