The Plasma Brain of Youth (Hidden Bonus Item)

But i would say if ur abusing brain fields it a must, but the answer might differ if u have the new brain key, i dont really know.

Has anyone had any luck in healing demyelination lesions with this? Or any lesions for that matter


I bought Smart stem cells long back but never used plasma brain of youth that came with it. After the discovery that I have tumours in body I stopped using smart stem cells as well.
My question is the same that I ask for every field … can I use plasma brain of youth if I have benign tumours ?
@SammyG @Dreamweaver

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Maybe a stupid question but did you try getting rid of tue tumor with tue anti-cancer field first ?


H Lanos!

So every time you see the words plasma or negentropy, the Theraphi technology is included within it at least that is my understanding so far.

Here is the website to the original technology by Dan Winter and it explains how it works.

It says, it is the electrical opposite of tumor growth and cancer here:

So knowing that, you could consider this field fine for you.

But if you want to hear it directly from Dream or Sammy I would suggest messaging them directly as they don’t always see all the threads.



In addition to @Jen the suggestions

You can also continue to try this field @Lanos


Thanks @Jen for your response … I understand that I can use this field :)


Thanks @Hauru … I had a discussion with Sammy and shared some research … senescent cells might not be the best option for me.
(I like your profile pic by the way) :)


I am working on it @Alexander


:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: thank you

This is a quick testimonial. I think even though this field is highly praised and mentioned, it’s still severely overlooked.

I’ve had this field over a year but I’m just now starting to take it serious. Since Thursday I’ve been playing it more frequently and the subtle difference I fell in my entire body it’ is crazy.

I feel so much more present and focused like literally a level up in my life. I can tell years of stress and living in certain conditions really damaged my brain. Not in a way that caused severe issues, but enough to start to see how different it’s functioning now…after only 2 days. I think this field is a critical missing link for many to a better life. We don’t realize the wear and tear life does to our brain and how regenerating it adds so much quality to everything. I feel like a kid in school who was sitting at the back of the class and couldn’t really understand…not realizing it was due to my position, then being moved into the front of the class and being able to hear and see the teacher much better. Now everything is understood more clearly.

If you have this one, add it to your stack and give it some more time to work its magic. If you don’t have it, buy this today, even if you said no more fields or you had something else in mind…do not skip this one. You’ll be glad you did not.


quick update: also noticed the decreased need for sleep with this, and less tired/foggy, just looping it one day/night a couple of hours. Anyways this is a review for both audios since I looped both, also helped a lot with overwhelm symptoms from other brain audios like Phillip suggested. I was gonna avoid buying this one but I think is a must if you’re planning to loop intensively brain ones, as they say, better safe than sorry. Plasma brain


I found out very quickly that you can’t become a brainiac without this field. The effects of the other fields and overstimulation would actually hinder you benefits so yeah this is a must.


Both audios seem to improve my walk.

The stem cells by healing muscles/reducing inflammation and plasma brain by improving mind-body connection.


Is smart steam cells updated .

I checked my mail but I don’t get it file with updated version.

Sorry if this has been double asked but would this specific field work on family members if played around them? Thanks!

I suffered from psychosis. I lead to brain enjury and I am injured very much. I am recovering naturally but slowly. Can plasma youth brain speeds up the recovery process. The symptoms I get cognitive deficit, depression, unable to feel any emotions will it revert the changes?

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It restores the brain from damaged and things that don’t quite function right. Start slow and don’t rush it. Try 1-2x a day and then possibly over time you can increase the number of times played.

It’s designed to treat a lot brain related problems so I have no doubt that it’ll help your psychosis tremendously. You can also add other brain fields if this one doesn’t overwhelm you.

Ones like Stroke Prevent Help helped me alot in the past. Also ISIRB Longevity, brain and spine antioxidant, and induced plasmogen.

I’m sure there’s other audios that other can chime in to list for your benefits. Those are just the free ones that I use to help out with mental issues.

@Jojo @anon3411921 any other suggestions for him ?


Thank you so much

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I also recommend Brain Massage.