The Plasma Brain of Youth (Hidden Bonus Item)

It restores the brain from damaged and things that don’t quite function right. Start slow and don’t rush it. Try 1-2x a day and then possibly over time you can increase the number of times played.

It’s designed to treat a lot brain related problems so I have no doubt that it’ll help your psychosis tremendously. You can also add other brain fields if this one doesn’t overwhelm you.

Ones like Stroke Prevent Help helped me alot in the past. Also ISIRB Longevity, brain and spine antioxidant, and induced plasmogen.

I’m sure there’s other audios that other can chime in to list for your benefits. Those are just the free ones that I use to help out with mental issues.

@Jojo @anon3411921 any other suggestions for him ?


Thank you so much

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I also recommend Brain Massage.


I think anti aging from Patreon would help. Reset cellular age from 16-18, promoting faster healing.


How much approx time it will take to reverse damage. I am heavily damaged. Just asking out of curiosity don’t mind.


I can’t give you a definitive time length because we don’t know necessarily how damaged your brain is nor what all has to be fixed. This is one of those things where you’re going to heal, but at you own pace. Results will vary from day to day, but the end goal of healing should be ensured.

Make sure your diet is good and your getting adequate nutrition and sustenance to support the healing and damage reversal. That is very important, because natural law is still in effect for these audios. Meaning it can’t create the building blocks for repair, so you need to eat and drink well for optimal results.

So again, I can’t give you an actually time stamp on how long it will take. If you’re as heavily damaged as you say you are you may have to trust the process and just let the healing happen over the weeks or months. But you can expect healing indeed if you’re consistent and are free of blockages that hinder the full effects of the fields.



What sensations can people feel in their brains when using this?

Warm low buzzing like feeling. Right on the border between comfortable and uncomfortable, but pretty easy for me to if ignore as it’s playing. Sometimes I’ll get a more intense, almost tingling feeling in a specific region. That’s usually a pleasant feeling.

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It’s been a week since I started using this with Smart Stem Cell. At first, I felt warm and ticklish sensations inside my head while listening. Now, those physical feelings have decreased, but I’ve noticed some cool effects:

  • Sometimes, memories and impressions resurface, as if the field is helping my brain process and rearrange itself while guiding it towards a state of negentropy. These memories mostly relate to situations that caused minor freeze-like reactions, similar to micro-traumas.
  • My mental fog in tired state has significantly reduced or even disappeared.
  • I feel like my brain is more flexible and open to new things, as if it’s ready to grow and learn again.

I’m curious to see how things will continue to improve, but I suppose there might be a point of reaching a plateau, where the brain settles into a more balanced state, unlocking its potential.

P.S.: I’m in my mid-twenties, and as you know, the brain and mind have mostly finished developing by 25-27 years of age. This means the brain tends to hold onto its established patterns, impressions, etc., and acquiring new skills or changing one’s perspective requires more effort. However, with this, it feels like I can gain more wisdom while still having the ability to learn and change easily just like I did in my youth. :wink:


Like buzzing, movement, tingling electricity and massaging in the brain?


Yeah, I’d say all of those words are close to what I get.

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Don’t feel like it’s a little bit uncomfortable and debilitating? does it ever end, possibly when the healing is completed?

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The physical sensations I get usually fade pretty quickly after I stop playing the field.

It did leave me feeling a little dull/slow/foggy for a few hours afterwards my first few weeks with it, but that doesn’t really happen anymore.

Oh for me it remains for more than a day, and the effects are very strong, perhaps I’m just super sensitive.

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Could be that you’re particularly sensitive or just that the work that field has to do on you is a type that lends itself to more physical sensations.

Either way, I would be encouraged by it if I were you. The fields are working whether or not we feel them, but feeling them as you do is an extra source of confirmation.

If the longer term feelings it gives you are uncomfortable to the point of interfering with your daily life then you should list out the ways that it’s causing issues and there may be other fields that can be recommended to you to help alleviate those symptoms.

Healing can be tough, but take heart, because you are healing.

Could be you need to do more grounding. (If you have not done so) That or physically, go out barefoot on the grass, hug a tree.
For more suggestions.
Edit: One of the many beautiful benefits

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@ecaiii pretty sure it’s just doing what it should in the brain. @Avo, I do feel like I sometimes need to give it a break and during that time away the body makes more changes instead of adding more of the field, do you think this is good from your experience because it is recommended to stick with it consistently day after day for a cumulative effect?

I feel like if I stop the field still works for a few days and then I can still continue.

From my experience taking occasional breaks for 1-3 days has definitely helped. If you overdo it your brain doesn’t have enough rest. Similar to physical exercise, the body needs rest days to heal and recover. In this case it’s not physical damage that needs repair, but toxins that need to be flushed out.

It’s good to keep up momentum, but this isn’t like some of the permanent physical fields that need daily use in order to keep from losing your results. You keep whatever improvements have been made until natural deterioration occurs. Again, like physical exercise.

Just listen to your body/intuition.

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But I mean like continuous usage, without interruption would make the field stronger and more effective, not about the physical results just vanishing, I understand the progress is permanent until new changes are induced by natural means.