[Serious] Need help

Things haven’t been the same since I realized the nature of reality and everything just seems so pointless lately. It’s hard to put yourself back in a certain mind frame once you realize the truth and I feel like I have to lie to myself just to feel normal. I’ve been contemplating suicide on and off and I was wondering if you guys had any last resort fields that brought you out of a rut. Thanks


Do you see a conflict between the “new reality” and the physical world in which you’ve been living ?
Does one makes the other less “real” ?

Conflicts may arise from a misunderstanding of the new world. Not knowing enough might create two “silos”, far apart. But that’s due to a lack of connection, foundations and grounding. Not seeing the interconnection from the “astral” and physical is problematic.

You may want to learn more… let go of attachment and duality. You can’t just live in your mind, you should embrace every part of you.

Life is still fun and it’s worth living. Did you have hopes, dreams or aspirations before ? Aren’t they still valid, can’t they be reconciled with a more balanced, conscious way of living ?

If you have blue print of life… or you can work on your chakras, soul restoration and gain back your power and will.
Ojas :+1:


Hey friend. I’m very sorry you are having this thoughts. I know how difficult life can get but believe me we are not alone. Never give up, because you can’t even imagine how important (spiritual wise and physical wise) your life on earth is. Every single one of us is precious beyond mesure and we do fight our inner demons every day. The pointless feeling you have couldn’t be far from the truth. Never give up to this kind of thought. Beyond everything: life is sacred and you can observe is sacredness everywhere.

About fields I would recommend you the angelic intersection. This field is a life saver. And I would say the exorcism one too.

Hope you feel better soon! We are always here for you. We are family.


fields helping me big time with similar thoughts are Blueprint and LVG. Meditating to them


also :+1:


the great thing with soul restoration is that it enhances the connection to the original source. For these kind of thoughts soul restoration heart storage center helps a lot. All of them do help though


This is definitely how I’ve been feeling. I think I got into the spiritual without a good foundation. Sometimes I find myself running away from the physical and that might be from a lack of balance. Do you have any advice on how to become more grounded?


Yeah I enjoy playing piano but I’ve come to realize as soon as I’m not playing, there’s still a lack of foundation keeping me grounded to the world. I need to focus on finding that and working it into my mind state.


Besides more learning and the fields recommended above :thinking:

Is that you that runs from the physical because you don’t like it or do you feel pushed away from it because of an outside authority’s judgement ?

If you don’t like it no problem.
If it’s because of judgement and the sensation of wrong and meaninglessness….
You should realize that this is no someone, it is your ego projecting your own constructions based on spiritual interpretations, information from a bunch of sources. They come with judgement, spiritual ego type. It might be a mix of religious belief, new age iconography, movies and forum posts… It has no authority.

Do what you want, be the judge for your life.

I don’t have time to write a proper post, will edit later.


If everything is meaningless You get to decide what the meaning is.
Everyday activities and small things in life are not less pleasurable because they are now seemingly without meaning. Also if ‘‘good’’ things dont matter anymore, then the bad things dont matter too, right?
You just operated from a set ‘‘mindframe’’ -prearranged point of view and way of seeing things up to this point.
Now this previous mindframe is broken and You feel pointless in continuing to life.
I also went thruoght this not so long ago:

What could help You is understanding how big of opportunity to change and grow it is.
You get to build Your own meaning from now on, consciously.
You are now in front of blank page and You can fill it with whatever You want, fill all the things with new, different colours. You now have the occasion to rebuild Yourself from a scratch.
This may seem like its end but It’s new beginning really.
Take care, enjoy small things in everyday life and remember, the thing which You realized about nature of reality means that Your own truth is as reliable and factual as any other.
You are now creator of Your reality, untill now You were just a spectator.


What is the truth?
(serious question)


Honestly it’s one of those random feelings that pops up and you have no idea where it came from. I try my best not to feed into it but it gets me almost every time. I think you’re correct about this being from my ego so I’m considering using the mindfulness field to help me gain a better understanding of my mind because at this point I have a lot of things that I feel but can’t explain.


That one is a lot for me to unpack right now. I’ll look into it and get back to you on it because it’s more felt than able to be spoken on.


This sounds to me as if it’s the last resort of your ego trying to pull you back into the world without your “truth”. Your ego is likely scared shitless that you are very near to a breakthrough in spiritual understanding.

I would say you are close to some kind of transcendence and probably all you really need to do is stay present, humble, grateful and trust trust trust, deep faith and “knowing”


Congratulations! You’re experiencing early symtoms of spiritual awakening.
Seems to me you also know that suicide is not an option. One can’t escape life. With life I mean the soul’s eternal awareness, not just life on earth. But if you at times feel you can’t cope, please seek out some help for this. A decent human being with a warm heart can be enough.

The truth. You’re about to discover that the truth will go through constant changes. As your personality gets more and more aware of your soul you’ll find that what you up until one point in life saw as a must (different attempts to be in control) you find peace when surrendering to love. Or just surrender if the love stuff seems to much for you right now.

And yes there’s an ultimate truth… In our human highest states of awareness we can percieve that source
( consciousness) just is. Or isn’t. :wink:Though I’m totally open for that beings with higher awareness than us might experience something even more abstract than that as the ultimate truth.


I’m sorry to hear how you feel. I hope you get all the support you need to work through this and whatever you do don’t give in!


Man oh man was the self realization series exactly what I needed. At this point I cant emphasize enough how important having solid foundation in spirituality is. In just 3 days of use I’m starting to see the beauty in the world again, which I’ll accredit mostly to the interconnection of everything and mindfulness audios. I used to be the type to hate certain types of weather and see it as nasty or depressing, but now I’m starting to admire it in any form. Just before this post I was looking at the storming night sky and the rain on my window and all of the lights glittering on it and couldn’t help but admire how beautiful it all is. Man… that’s the only way I can put it into words, just “Man…” :joy:


That’s great man, keep going