Servitor creation questions

edit: i currently have access to the dragon golem and dark/light servitor PDFs so i am basing my questions off of what i have. i am planning to buy the Book of Cards and will have questions eventually for the fae and energetic support servitors.

  • can i use a whiteboard for the sigil to create a dark/light servitor? i know for the dragon golem printing the sigil out is enough, but for the dark/light servitors it mentions to draw the sigil on something hard.
  • can servitors follow you around if the item they’re inhabiting are not physically on you?
  • will the name i choose for them affect them? names are powerful and i believe the name has its own characteristics and qualities they bestow on the name holder. for example, a person or pet named ‘Loki’ may be mischievous. i know many 'Michael’s who have qualities of the archangel with the same name.

i encourage everyone to also ask their servitor related questions in this thread. we could compile all the information and make a community created FAQ.

what do @Dreamweaver and @SammyG think about a new Servitor category?

it would also be great if more servitor owners shared their knowledge for specific things they do like how generous gamers create guides on their specific team and character builds for MMOs and RPGs. i believe it’s great to explore first-hand what they could do, but knowledge is power and the more we have access to, the more creative we can get. this is why i believe open-source programs work well as they are free and are a community collaboration.

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well, you can mix your dragon golem with a dark/light servitor as it looks like but thats up to our Captain to confirm

what do you mean by mixing a dragon golem with a dark/light servitor? i mean the instructions with the creation process are both different and i am asking for confirmation on only the creation process.

i am not intending to create hybrid dragon/dark/light servitors.

Thats why I am saying Dreamweaver has to confirm if that is true, because I used the same Item for Dragon Golem and a Dark Servitor and then I asked somebody on this forum if he/she can look if I even created something, that person said that the dark servitor mixed with the dragon golem lol now I am here wondering if that is even possible.

The creating process was this, first I used Dragon golem
after 1 month or so I used dark servitor on the same item


And for the Name part, it is said that you chose how their Personality will be and not the name you give them

oh interesting!

what i am initially thinking about doing is this:

  1. draw the DARK servitor sigil on a whiteboard with a picture of what i’d like it to look like and the item i want it to inhabit.
  2. once the DARK servitor is created, erase the sigil and REUSE the whiteboard to create a LIGHT servitor with a picture and the item i want it to inhabit.
  3. print out the dragon golem sigil and place the item i want it to inhabit on top of the paper. the whiteboard will not be used.

is this an appropriate way of creating them?

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I was a retard and used a dark pen on this object and even measured every line and draw it with the help of a lineal on it, took me half an hour or so and I was anxious af if I did it right :joy:

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and yes the golem is right, about the servitor all I know is that it is said you have to draw it on the object but maybe a whiteboard will be enough

BUT like I said, Dreamweaver has to confirm

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i read from the dark/light servitor instructions that their personality is set.

this is why it is great that we are discussing this because in the dragon golem instructions it says you can name them.

i would also like Dreamweaver’s insight which is why i mentioned him. his current forum name is Captain Nemo.

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Yes my bad, reread it and it is set, it was just the looks you can decide

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Oh this is something new and interesting :+1:

Tell me, does it (hybrid) obey you I mean communicate with you, you satisfied with it so far and with its tasks accomplishment?

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look man, I dont really comunicate with it, I am not that psychic yet and what somebody said doesnt mean it is there, thats why I want to know if I even created it, the dragon golem the same thing, I dont really know if I did it, it would be much easier to know if there is something and the thing is I am not psychic and cant see astral plane, energy etc so I am wondering if I really did something

I really dont mind putting that Item up here, I mean the picture of it and got told if I created it or if its just a plain object without energy infused into it, well I would astrain from putting it up public because who knows what people can do lol

The only people I can ask are Sam and Dreamweaver but who knows if they would do that so ill just wait if they will look at this theard and what they will say about this matter

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would anyone like to share what items their servitor inhabits?

i’m planning to use jewelry to keep them on me as much as possible.

but honestly i have been thinking about buying a Harry Potter wand. :laughing:


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what I plan on using for Servitors


majestic!! i’m planning to give the dark and light servitors the semblance of a couple of my favourite video game characters!

the dragon, fae, and energetic support servitors apparently have their looks in place so i’ll leave those alone appearance-wise.


yeah its better to give them things you have a connection with

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