Servitors assistance :)

Hi guys,

As some of you might know, I faced the initial difficulties as many probably had or will, in working with servitors. As a matter in fact, I created this topic :

A few days ago I had a field imbued onto a bracelet. And started using it for sleep, mainly. After the first day I lost it, didn’t know where it was. I searched my room, I tried to scan it, but could not find it.
Since my room is a mess, given to works being done atm, it wasn’t very helpful to be sure if it was even there. You know, “bracelet last seen in action on…” :man_shrugging:

So I decided to ask for help to my servitors. I have been entertaining this idea for a couple of days. :smiley:
As some might know, I have a dragon and a light one, with whom I’ve been communicating quite better. A shoutout to all who assisted on the post linked above!

So, today, I summoned them both and asked for help. The following is my perception of what happened:

  • First I didn’t just throw things like a lunatic searching for something, messing the “mess” even more. You know when you loose something precious? Sometimes in the search goes your own sense of self, and it drives you mad lol. They actually showed me “in a sense” how easier it was to navigate through all of that. After not finding it, I thought yet again, “hmm perhaps it is in the car”.

  • After some inner discussing on why it should not be in the car, given it is a “stay-at-home” bracelet, I decided to go there, just for fun. A part of me was even “saying” the dog ate it. Another showing me that perhaps I took “home” with me when I left by car, so it could be there.

  • I went down the stairs and reaching the hall of the building there was the panel of the elevators floor. My building has two elevators: One was at “-1” and the other one at “11” floor.
    At that moment I was having a whole range of thoughts, not fitering which were good from those not suitable for my persona, and a higher one took note “BE AWARE”.

At that moment there was a subtle knowing that it was in the car. Exiting my building a dog looked at me and came for a pet, I smiled while going into the garage. After opening the car, you guessed, nowhere to be found. Just before going away, I opened one of the back doors and still couldn’t find it. But out of the blue, decided to stretch my arm. As if I was reaching for something (keep in mind, I could not see anything lol, it is dark), and I felt it, like it was being given to me again.

The feeling was similar to of Harry Potter holding the philosopher’s stone. Like he “knew” how to get it even though he doesn’t? lol …It was weird and I don’t even know how that feels, yet again, I’m making this comparison of how it felt. Fascinating paradox.

Point is, I’ve been finding out throughout the year that: There are subtle realities operating at this precise moment. And our thoughts are both channeling and interfering with such. There are far more realities hidden from view where the true line of continuity of events, such as the above, may be appreciated and perceived. But for many, those will be labelled as mere synchronicity and/or coincidences…unfortunately.

Anyway, even though I’m still skeptic as some of you, which You can and should be, always let yourself experience. After all, truth is but experience and we highly mistake information as knowledge, while looking in the wrong places.

Thanks to all of you which help around here, and to my servitors, who now seem to vibrate louder… :grinning:


i agree! a healthy amount of skepticism is good to have and experience is my favourite teacher.