Seth Weekly Wisdom

This is for my own consumption and anyone interested.

Seth Weekly Wisdom - 04 Oct 2024

“You are hardly at the mercy of a reality… that exists apart from yourself, or is thrust upon you. You are so intimately connected with the physical events composing your life experience that often you cannot distinguish between the seemingly material occurrences and the thoughts, expectations, and desires that gave them birth.

If there are strongly negative characteristics present in your most intimate thoughts, if these actually form bars between you and a more full life, still you often look through the bars, not seeing them. Until they are recognized they are impediments. Even obstacles have a reason for being. If they are your own, then it is up to you to recognize them and discover the circumstances behind their existence.”

– Seth, Nature of Personal Reality, Session 609


I appreciate this! I want to re-read ‘Seth Speaks’, and I‘m one third into ‘The Magical Approach’.
I‘m gonna follow your posts.


Me too, every Seth book can be read again and again yet find it totally fresh and new. This is not my post I’m just putting what the newsletter brings so that I don’t have to retain all the emails.


Very cool! I learned a lot from the Seth books when I was 17.

Nature of Personal Reality was really hard to process for me back then lol, since I couldn’t even focus on the most basic school stuff.

Seth Weekly Wisdom - 10 Oct 2024

“You may believe that wealth is a result of a moral virtue, and comes from ‘God’s’ direct benevolence. As a result, poverty becomes evidence of a lack of morality. ‘God’ made so many people poor that obviously no man should dare try to change the situation — that rationale is often used. The poor, then, following these beliefs, are looked down upon as are the diseased.

Some of you will have a contradictory belief that poverty is virtuous, and that wealth is a vice and represents evidence of a spiritual lack. This belief in your society also harks back to the Bible and Christ’s association with the poor rather than the rich.

It is impossible to separate your daily experience in any of its aspects from your beliefs and those judgments that you place upon them. The beliefs boil down to your ideas of right and wrong, and they involve all of your attitudes concerning illness and health, wealth and poverty, the relationships of the races, religious conflicts, and more important, your intimate day-by-day psychological reality.”

—Seth, The Nature of Personal Reality, Session 649


“You do not understand the dimensions into which your own thoughts drop, for they continue their own existence, and others look up to them and view them like stars. I am telling you that your own thoughts and mental actions appear to the inhabitants of other systems like the stars and planets within your own; and those inhabitants do not perceive what lies within and behind the stars in their own heavens. Though they probe their own universe, they will not wander into your reality. They will only perceive the shape and form that your own mental acts—thoughts and dreams—take within their own system.”

The Seth Material Appendix: Session 453

Seth Weekly Wisdom - 17 Oct 2024

“You may have dreams urging you to move in such and such a direction, or pointing out areas in which corrections should be made. Often such dreams bring about behavior changes whether or not you remember them in the morning.

You may request dreams in which proper direction is given, and you will receive them. If you ask on the one hand, however, and do not believe in the therapeutic nature of dreams on the other, you will short-circuit any such activity.”

—The Nature Of Personal Reality, Session 632

“If you want to clear up an argument, tell yourself that you will do so in the dream state. There you can speak freely to those who may avoid you otherwise. Many reconciliations take place at that level. Request the answer to any problem and it will be given, but you must trust yourself and learn to interpret your own dreams. There is no other way to do this except by beginning yourself and working with your own dreams, for this will awaken your intuitive abilities and give you the knowledge that you need.

Your belief in the value of dreams can, therefore, increase their practical effectiveness.”

— The Nature of Personal Reality, Session 672

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Seth Weekly Wisdom - 25 Oct 2024

“It is only by comprehending the nature of this constant translation of thoughts and desires—not into words now, but into physical objects—that you can realize your true independence from circumstance, time, and environment.

It is easy to see that you translate feelings into words or bodily expressions and gestures, but not quite as easy to realize that you form your physical body as effortlessly and unselfconsciously as you translate feelings into symbols that become words.

You have heard the expression before, I am sure, that the environment expresses a particular individual’s personality. I am telling you that this is a literal and not symbolic truth.”

—Seth, Seth Speaks:The Eternal Validity of the Soul, Session 524

Seth Weekly Wisdom - 01 Nov 2024

“You are born loving. You are born compassionate. You are born curious about yourself and your world. Those attributes also belong to natural law. You are born knowing that you possess a unique, intimate sense of being that is itself, and that seeks its own fulfillment, and the fulfillment of others.

You are born seeking the actualization of the ideal. You are born seeking to add value to the quality of life, to add characteristics, energies, abilities to life that only you can individually contribute to the world, and to attain a state of being that is uniquely yours, while adding to the value fulfillment of the world. All of these qualities and attributes are given you by natural law.”

— Seth, The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events, Session 862, June 25, 1979

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Seth Weekly Wisdom - 08 Nov 2024

“It is extremely important, if difficult, to probe and to discover exactly what your present expectations are. Not your desires but your expectations, for you will only construct physically that environment which you believe capable of construction.”

Seth, The Early Sessions, Book 2, Session 76, August 3, 1964

Seth Weekly Wisdom - 15 Nov 2024

“I have thus far stayed clear of many important and vital subjects, involving mass realities, because first of all the importance of the individual was to be stressed, and his power to form his private events. Only when the private nature of reality was emphasized sufficiently would I be ready to show how the magnification of individual reality combines and enlarges to form vast mass reactions—such as, say, the initiation of an obviously new historical and cultural period; the rise or overthrow of governments; the birth of a new religion that sweeps all others before it; mass conversions; mass murders in the form of wars; the sudden sweep of deadly epidemics; the scourge of earthquakes, floods, or other disasters; the inexplicable appearance of periods of great art or architecture or technology.

I said there are no closed systems. This also means that in world terms, events spin like electrons, affecting all psychological and psychic systems as well as biological ones. It is true to say that each individual dies alone, for no one else can die that death. It is also true that part of the species dies with each death, and is reborn with each birth, and that each private death takes place within the greater context of the existence of the entire species.

…Inner reality and private experience give birth to all mass events. Man cannot disentangle himself from the natural context of his physical life. His culture, his religion, his psychologies, and his psychological nature together form the context within which both private and mass events occur.”

The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events, Session 801, April 18, 1977

Seth Weekly Wisdom - 22 Nov 2024

“Affirmation means saying ‘yes’ to yourself and to the life you lead, and to accepting your own unique personhood.

That affirmation means that you declare your individuality. Affirmation means that you embrace the life that is yours and flows through you. Your affirmation of yourself is one of your greatest strengths. You can at times quite properly deny certain portions of experience, while still confirming your own vitality. You do not have to say ‘yes’ to people, issues, or to events with which you are deeply disturbed. Affirmation does not mean a bland wishy-washy acceptance of anything that comes your way, regardless of your feelings about it. Biologically, affirmation means health. You go along with your life, understanding that you form your experience, emphasizing your ability to do so.

Affirmation does not mean sitting back and saying ‘I can do nothing. It is all in Fate’s hands, therefore whatever happens, happens.’ Affirmation is based upon the realization that no other consciousness is the same as your own, that your abilities are uniquely yours and like no others. It is the acceptance of your individuality in flesh. Basically it is a spiritual, psychic, and biological necessity, and represents your appreciation of your singular integrity.”

— The Nature of Personal Reality, Session 672, June 25, 1973

Seth Weekly Wisdom - 28 Nov 2024

“You have been given an opportunity to study life and to experience it more fully than you ever have before in this existence. Its intensity and brilliance, its contrasts and similarities, its joys and its sorrows, are here for you to perceive…

In the entire fabric of your existence, this life is a brilliant, eternally unique and precious portion, but only a portion, from which you emerge with joy and understanding whether you die tomorrow or in years to come…

Life and death are but two faces of your eternal, ever-changing existence, however. Feel and appreciate the joy of your own being. Many live into their nineties without ever appreciating to that extent the beauty of their being. You have lived before, and will again, and your new life, in your terms, springs out of the old, and is growing in the old and contained within it as the seed is already contained within the flower.

We are all travelers, whatever our position, and as one traveler to another, I salute you.”

— The Nature of Personal Reality, Session 646, March 7, 1973