I’m a F (24)
What are some audios that will help with increasing sex appeal and attracting the opposite sex. I have seen many post regarding guys asking for the same. Yes i want to increase my sex appeal , feel desirable .
Why should boys have all the fun!
This is all you need. I swear.
I didn’t know that but will definitely use it. Lots of chakras helps. Sacral most for sex appeal. Heart for relationship appeal. Pineal for anyone who speaks their mind. But the one thing I’ve seen shut down the most relationships that could have been, should have been, or would have been, is words spoken that shouldn’t have been, or not spoken that should have been, or words spoken in a way they shouldn’t have been.
Time after time, I’ve seen so many things line up perfectly and this one thing wreck everything. Sometimes coming from me, I admit it, but also very often from others.
If you want to try… Quadible Integrity have what you look for also as for boys and as well for girls too, just type in search “QI attract” and you will find it, I can’t copy paste here, it’s really inappropriate for me, same audio is on patreon for download… I won’t telling more cause this is Sapiens forum off course
Good luck!
It’s the linchpin in my opinion. But yeah, sacral can do wonders for you, for women especially because guys already typically put out a lot of sexual vibes, sacral has still done a lot for me. And base too apparently. They both come in the same track on gumroad so maybe I mis-attributed some of the effects of one to the other.
Yes I agree confidence is the key, thanks for your reply but I was wanting something that was more direct.
Should I listen to the throat or sacral chakra audio, my main goal is to increase my sex appeal , I want to ooze out the vibes of sex when someone looks at me and them wanting me , no shame in saying it.
Yes sacral and base (it’s one track) for way upping the number of guys whose attention you draw. But to see it going farther than that, Throat chakra. Strong pull can bring people together but it’s a test of the words spoken and how they’re spoken that decides if they walk away still strangers. You might think that’s the guy’s job, to say the words, ask for your number or whatever. But you know how what he says and how he says it has a lot to do with whether or not you want him to ask you? It’s the same thing the other way, what you say and how you say it has a lot to do with whether or not he even wants to find the courage to ask. Unless he’s just a player.
I think there are some subs to attract men too…
Thank you will check it out.
Thank you for your guidance, I’m contemplating between buying two videos lucid dreaming or the sacral base activation.
Lucid dreaming is great but I don’t think it will turn more heads. Let me know if I’m wrong.
Awesome plus You aĺl forgot matchmaker dog tag.in cause you are not remember the description says that it gives an allure and sex appeal different from your image…
Increase estrogen + regulate (decrease) testosterone. Men love feminine girls.
You can also use attract love if that’s what you’re looking for.
Ah but if it were a man who wants to have “sex appeal” with women, surely they would already be criticizing him …
How dare you
The sigil “Confidence, Dominance and Authority” can be difficult, harsh, heavy for some …
Oh, the “How dare you” was sarcastic. I thought it would be recognized.
If i noticed.
But there are many “sensitive” people on the forum
The world could use more sensitive people. Less offended people though. Anyways… just trying to keep some light humor in along the way.