Sex appeal

If I do that procedure my pores start emitting some very pungent smell
Its hard to be a male sometime :ox:

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Do you even detox, bro?




What do you mean? :joy:

Is it the musky smell that was talked about related to andro?

Or maybe just take a shower before you go out :stuck_out_tongue:



Can we also have a Gods-only room ?

To talk about “spiritual” stuff like remote viewing, utilizing the IPF correctly etc?


Yes deifintely musky lol

And who decided who the gods are?

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Let me guess lol

@MasterOfYellow @Bronyraur

What do you mean? Women are hard to understand?!?

I just recalled a handful of things that would be really difficult explaining to women. So yeah now I’m no longer interested. First I thought there were some men related secret topics :sweat_smile:


There is already a Spirituality section, and how is it that remote viewing and IPF make one a god?
I’d expect a god to do a lot more. Enlighten me.


Ooops… I may have slightly deformed your sentence while quoting :grimacing:

Yes, things are not always smooth for neither of the sides but my “best friends” have always been men. At the end of the day, it’s all about choosing the accurate approach, isn’t it? ;)

How dare we, please :raised_hand: :)) No, really. Nothing written behind you guys’ back.


They don’t want us to know how much they like us. It’s middle school, you know.


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:laughing: You’re totally right, @MasterOfYellow. If you only knew about the poems that I wrote in those hidden threads…


What makes you think I don’t know about them? One of the other ladies might have let the secrets slip…

Yep, school days all over again.


Oh, might they?! :sob: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I’m not too much worried though: as far as I remember, I just wrote about my friendly admiration for Uial, which is not a secret for the whole community ;))


If you have to ask how correct use of IPF makes you elite, then youre confirming why we need a section/pm where theres no “hows” and more “Try this technique”

More than toying with reality? Not really.

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But as usual I was kidding and it was sarcasm ffs.

I think you need a sarcasm emoji…

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This brand and advertisement are extremely popular in our country :laughing: So much so that I had to think for a few seconds “where am I?” when I saw your post :joy:


More than toying with reality? Not really.

Yeah IPF and remote viewing are quite normal in my reality tho :sweat_smile: Like strawberries and bananas. :rofl: